Sunday, May 29, 2011

when should i start feeding the guppy frys?

when should i start feeding the guppy frys?

by leff

so my female guppy finally gave birth to about 12 fry but dont know if shes done.because she still has her gravid ill just wait another 24hr.but like my question says “when should i start feeding?”should i feed them right when they born or wait a certain time?

Answer by the first fish guy
right when they are born

Answer by Sunshine
ASAP! Crush up some flake food to powder and feed them. if you can get some freshly hatched brine shrimp it would be better. You can also use dried blood worms crushed to a powder as well. Get a vitamin pyramid and place it in the tank to help strengthen them.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

Sauce o Fries

Image by digicla
Order your fries and place the sauces on it.
Beware: the Dutch mayonaise is a lot more tastier than in the rest of the world.
Patathuys Nijmegen-Lange Hezelstraat.
(for the Dutch: lekkere kroketten!)

how many frys can i place until i know if its a male or female

Answer by Chad
As I said, 7 guppies. Why did you question twice?


Answer by Lego My Eggo
Your guess is a excellent as mine

Answer by Angeli697
You can fit about 20 malnourished guppy fry in a 15 galolon aquarium.

Best Answer.

Answer by sparbles
The question should not be how may fry can the tank hold. It should be how many adult fish it can hold. This is assuming you are keeping them until adults. Also the issue is not malnourishment. you can feed as many as you like. The issue is how much waste can the tank handle.
The rule is one inch of fish per gallon of water.
If you have a tank containing 15 gallons of water (this does not include the gravel or ornament space), you can have 15 inches of fish. One inch fish, mean 15 fish, 3 inch fish mean five fish, 1/2 inch fish mean 30 fish.

Answer by Betta92
For a 15 gallon, probably 10 to 15. I have 3 for a 5 gallon.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Stephen Fry’s brief and to the point explanation of the apparent benefits of the Alternative Vote and why voting YES will bring the exchange that is well overdue for this country. Featuring animation by Shaun Askew ( )
Record Rating: 4 / 5

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