Monday, May 30, 2011

how can I take the best photo using a sony cybershot?

how can I take the best photo using a sony cybershot?

Hi, I have a Sony Cybershot DSC-W55 and I was wondering if anyone can give me some pointers on how to take a good picture. Sometimes they turn out very good but other times they look washed out and not clear. I’m sure I’m not using the different choices right. The macro is the only one that turns out to the carmera’s full potential and that because I know when to use that one. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Answer by selina_555
Learn about your camera.

Read your manual !!!! Read it several times, and practice in between.

Attend a class, read some books, read/watch online tutorials.

The major camera manufacturers (like Canon, Nikon, Olympus etc) all have very useful sections on their website for learning about photography.

Understanding at least the basic principles of photography (as well as being familiar with your camera) will enable you to make the most of your gear, and will make a HUGE difference to your images.

What do you think? Answer below!

Sony Cybershot Philippine Fashion Week
sony cybershot

Image by Flair Candy

Sony Cybershot Philippine Fashion Week

what sony cybershot camera is rechargable and wont go around Php12,000? and where can i buy it??? because i am planning to buy a digicam best for a teenager…and not to much expensive…and i want it rechargable so i wont have to buy batteries anytime i need a digicam…please help me…

Answer by Jackparrot
ebay is the best place in case you want to order from net….otherwise…i hav no advice….cuz u din’ mention your location……

Answer by Jr
You can buy sony cybershot with rechargable battery from

Answer by paula55
sony cybershot camera(rechargable) –
Hope this helps.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

A new video showcasing the key features of the Sony Cyber-shot WX9 Digital Camera.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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