Sunday, May 29, 2011

Which HD digital camcorder also takes good pictures?

Which HD digital camcorder also takes good pictures?

I’m thinking of buying a used HD digital camcorder. I need one with a excellent built in 8+MP digital camera because I’m going to ultimately take a photography course at my college. My budget for a digital camcorder is about $ 110. I don’t mind buying used. Which would be the best value?

Answer by MNiles
for the under $ 200 budget not sure your going to find anything that excellent. Your best bet is to look into a point and shot still camera that also records HD record but even then your pushing the limits at that budget.

I have a sony TX7 that takes fantastic incredible stills and fantastic record and that cost be around $ 500. Going to a record camera that also takes stills will always run more.

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digital camcorder
digital camcorder

Image by proncone

i have a GFM digital camcorder and it quit working. it had a new batteries but i place some groundbreaking new ones in anyway. it didn’t help. if anyone knows how to reset it or fix it please help me.

Answer by B photograph
to reset the camera it should have a small hole in side the camera and you can still a paper clip in it and it should reset the camera or if it doesn’t have one it should have one in the main mane or when you plug it in the computer.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
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unboxing of my new 1080p camera
Record Rating: 5 / 5

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