Sunday, May 29, 2011

How old must you be to work at Best Buy stores in New York state?

How old must you be to work at Best Buy stores in New York state?

I am 15 years ancient, 16 in July, and I am obsessed with tech. My ideal job during the summer at this point would be at Best Buy. I know working papers are available at 14 years of age (at least thats when i got mine last year) but wandering if Best Buy supplies had a certain age limit on employment.
Yahoos article about the supplies such as Best Buy with many job openings sparked my interest even more. (According to what i read Best Buy supplies have roughly 13000 openings.)

Any information is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Answer by Michelle
They will take public on at 15, and you will be 16 very soon anyway.

So go ahead and apply.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

I applied to Best Buy 13 days ago, I called them for 5 days Honest and then they finally looked at me application and told me to expect a call in 3 day, but the employment coordinator is sick. Will they Call?

Answer by dusty_titus
Will they Call? – never!

Answer by not 2 B fooled
If you do not get a call at the 3 day mark, then forget it and go on – they probably rec’d a ridiculous amount of apps

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Episode 3 of 8 of an American Idol-stylishness look at the casting of Best Buy’s 2006 Holiday Television Spots, for which real Best Buy employees auditioned for roles.

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