Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm searching for a digital SLR camera that uses the NP-FM30 Battery. Does anyone know of such a camera?

I'm searching for a digital SLR camera that uses the NP-FM30 Battery. Does anyone know of such a camera?

I imagine this would be a sony camera as the batteries are calculated for sony harvest.
Or the NP-FM50 battery.

Answer by Ryan M
This battery is for a camcorder, not a still camera.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

the orphan…
sony digital slr camera

Image by windsordi
the 6 year ancient Sony DSC-P92 Cybershot 5 MP camera has been a loyal hand… now life retired as I go up to a digital SLR

I have a Digital Professional SLR Camera which is made by sony. I was wondering if there was any possible way to use my mainframe screen as my camera screen, ALso is there anyway to take photos on the camera while it is hooked to the mainframe, and the picture transfer honest over to the mainframe VIA USB.

Answer by selina_555
My List cameras come complete with the necessary software and cables to do this, but I don’t know how Sony approaches this.

The term you need so you can google this is “tethered shooting”.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

You Can Check Best Price at: www.amazon.com
Record Rating: 5 / 5

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