Yahoo featured recommended digital cameras a couple of months ago.?
I judge you showed something like the top 5 cameras out of 20 that you tested. Maybe it was a consumer report? I want to see that feature again to help me hold a digital camera.
thank you!
Answer by michael m
nikon,nikon,nikon,enough said
Answer by DC
Ciao ljbotto,
After doing some research and digging around I was able to find the article that you were talking about. Here it is, I hope this helps!;_ylt=AnTl3h1GTkYix2v.o7MCkeUFLZA5
In my opinion Nikon should have atleast one camera in the top five, because they have some outstanding product. Goodluck!
Answer by SouthernLady
Nikon is the best brand, hands down
Answer by clavestone
“best brand” is reletive
Which is best for you is what your asking.
check out for full reviews on current cameras and previews on whats coming.
Answer by Panacea
In my opinion, that article is seriously out of date. Newer, better, cheaper has come out this year, in a huge way.
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Brands such as List and Nikon and The Top Cameras of their brands
Answer by layacarea
i just ordered a nikon 6.1 mp d40, one of the best beginners cameras out today. not too pricey any. if you’re going to be shooting wild animals tho, you might want one of persons telephoto long lens, the ones that give you excellent pictures without having to be close up.
Answer by fhotoace
As a former flora and fauna photographer, I can tell you that any company makes brilliant cameras and have the lenses that will support the needs of such a photographer.
NONE will make you into an African Flora and fauna photographer but. That can only come from the necessary schooling in photography and many years working shooting animals in a controlled situation, so you can learn the animals behavior.
Then you can choose a nice Nikon like the D3 or List like the 1Ds, Mark III as well as the lenses you will need for shooting such animals. At a minimum you will need a 400 mm f/2.8 and 600 mm f/4 lens to compliment the camera … why such lenses? 1) most animals are out and about at dawn or dusk and most wild animals have a large scare radius, so getting close can be hard and most of the time perilous.
Answer by miwa
I would suggest Nikon D300
Answer by empenage2003
you might want to read some photography books. list 5D
Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
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