Where could I sell my new Canon GL2?
I bought a List GL2 about a month ago from the Apple store for $ 2799. My 14 days is up so I cannot restore it. I wanna sell it for $ 2000 because its a month ancient and only used once. A pawn shop only wanted to give me $ 988 for it..
Anyone know what I should do with it? I want a List HV30.
Answer by adiptadatta@ymail.com
sell it on ebay.in
Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
List GL2
Image by ahhyeah
I am producing a movie, and I am in the process of aquiring cameras. Can anyone offer me some insight?
Answer by Mr. Spin
I favor the List, but a tad bit more pricey than the Panasonic.
The Panasonic is professional, but has a few amateur features. From what I know, that camera is on the edge of life obsolete. And the battery life is only 4 hours, that is, if you opt to buy that longer life battery. Not to say they are terrible. I follow my instincts and if it were me, I’d choose the List.
All that said and done, I am looking to get a camcorder like the ones you want, probably this summer (if I can talk the wife into dumping a few grand). So in my case, the List seems to be fine for “me”.
Panasonic Review…
List Review.
I like List, since I am a “film” (not much digital) photographer for over 23 years, and most of List’s technology comes from experience and the name. I have many List harvest that have lasted that amount of time. Panasonic for some reason reminds me of stereos, phones. TVs and additional odd gadgets.
There are a few special camcorders out there. These really record record (HD-Record) that look very much like real FILM. A lot of low budget/independant public use these. Unfortunately I cannot remember the names or models and they fall in the $ 4,000.00 range, but I guess if you look hard enough, yuou can find one. They are small too.
Answer by evilgenius4930
I have a list GL2. Its a excellent camera, but for the film look, you would probably want to go for the dvx100B. It has 24p recording and film look adjustments. It also has 1/3 inch chips vs. 1/4 inch in the gl2. But, the GL2 has the benefit with a longer 20x lens, with helps in getting shorter DOF. Also, the 1/4 inch difference isnt that fantastic, as there is a pixel shift to produce quality even better than that of a vx2100, which has 1/3 inch chips. It probably wont measure up to the DVX100B’s chips, but narrows the quality gap. The gl2′s also cheaper, so you have more money for additional things. So basically if you want a film look, go for the DVX100B. If you want to save money, and still have excellent quality, choose the GL2. But, there are HD cams coming out now with film looks and 24p recording, so if you have the money for a DVX100B, you might as well spend a small bit more to get an HDV or HD cam. Also, if you have post film look options such as magic bullet (and a really quick computer, unless you want to render for a couple of days), the gl2 will probably offer the better choice for the price. Hope this helps!
What do you reckon? Answer below!
Ultimate Guide to the List GL2
List Price: $ 39.99
Price: $ 37.00
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