Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Can anybody recommend a a good company or brand of telephoto lenses for the Canon S2IS digital camera?

Can anybody recommend a a good company or brand of telephoto lenses for the Canon S2IS digital camera?

I’m looking to buy a telephoto lense for my canon camera and am just wondering what brand would be a good brand.

Answer by gehonney
Samsung or Pentech

Answer by OMG, I ♥ PONIES!!1
Stick with the official Canon 1.5x teleconverter – part no. TC-DC58B.
The first place I looked has them for $ 100

Answer by mike m
I found some on ebay. here’s a link to them

Answer by hi_babuli
go for Nikkor

Add your own answer in the comments!

Old FujiFilm Digital Camera MX-2700
canon digital camera

Image by Dave Knight
My old Fujifilm digital camera 2.3 megapixel with no zoom. It has now replaced with a new Canon A610!

I currently have a Canon Powershot SD550 (fantastic camera), but it’s getting a little old. What is another good Canon digital camera that is similar to the SD550 and easy to use? Thanks!

Don’t know as usual in Yahoo Answers what you’re spending. My first choice would be the Canon SD780 IS. Very good for low light in that you can raise the ISO setting more than most and still get a decent photo. The SD1200 IS is fine and so is the Canon A1000 IS. All 3 have very good image quality.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
‘LA Noire’ becomes the most searched for product on the web
Rockstar’s latest creation — the gritty 1940s-themed video game LA Noire — was the most searched for product on the web around the world over the last week.
Read more on AFP Relax via Yahoo! Singapore News

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