Unbeleivable price for the Nikon D80. Where is the trick???
I have found the later price for the Nikon D80 Digital Camera: $ 329.00:
If you go to fixed camera supplies you will find the price is $ 999.00. I have found some additional prices in internet like $ 768, but the one in CCI Camera City seems too cheap, even if it is after rebate.
Does anyone have any comments, experience with this web site?. Does anyone know where the trick might be?
Thanks and regards
Answer by miss vicky
it does not come with a lens you have to buy that extra which will run a few hundred dollars
Answer by Morey000
With 100% certainty in the digital camera game-
if a price seems ‘too excellent to be right’- it always is.
There are reasonably a few brilliant and exceptionally competitive on-line retailers that offer fantastic customer service and the best prices. Places like NewEgg and BHPhotovideo come to mind (even if there are others). cci camera city has a rating of 0.31 (on a extent of 0 to 10) at resellerratings.com. (to be apparent: 0.31 is below a rating of ’1′) That essentially earnings that nobody has ever been pleased with their experience with that vendor.
The D80 is certainly a fantastic camera choice. Consider a better place to buy it tho’.
Answer by john p
It is probably a defective camera that does not have a excellent warranty. I would check the company selling it before I would pay a dime.
Answer by brian_rmsy
If you order it and don’t get rip off let us know.
Answer by Ignacio F
Here’s the deal.
You’ll place an order online and you’ll get a call.
The guy will try all kinds of tricks to get you to order a different camera than the one they’ve priced. It will be “made in Malaysia instead of Japan” or it will be “an older batch”…
If you don’t fall for this, they will try the “package deal” where they will charge extra for the strap, charger, software, etc…
If you still don’t bulge and tell them you want what they advertised they will try to sell you some extras. The extras include batteries, memory card (no brand cheap stuff at a very steep price). Since you’re getting the camera you end up saying yes to all the extras. And paying dearly for shipping.
The order ships and when you get the box there’s no camera in it. Just some batteries and some cheap memory cards.
You call them and they tell you that they didn’t have the camera available, but they sent all the additional stuff… But hey, they didn’t charge you for the camera, just the additional stuff.
In the end you will never get your camera and you will end up having bought some really expensive junk with a huge premium for shipping.
Avoid them like the plague, they are well known scammers.
If somebody has a price more than 5% below B&H then they are a scam for sure.
Hope this helps!
Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
The Digital Age
Image by tlindenbaum
Bally’s in Las Vegas, Nevada
I want to buy the Nikon d80 but then I came across the List Rebel xsi and couldn’t choose, so I want to here what you guys have to say?
I mainly take protraits,
Answer by fhotoace
The Nikon D80 is an in between camera … between the Nikon D40 and D300. List has no camera in the D80 class. If they did it would fall in between the List XSi and 40D.
It really doesn’t matter what camera you use to shoot, it just has to have interchangeable lenses and be capable of shooting high resolution images.
Answer by DCReed
dpreview.com has a nice way of comparing side by side, feature by feature. They seem very comparable. I like some of the List features more and some of the Nikon features more.
I’d also look at prices and lens prices as the body isn’t going to matter a whole lot if you place a lousy lens in front of it.
Answer by Dr. Sam
Why not debate this for another month or two and wait for Nikon to come out with their replacement for the D80? We’re not sure what it will be or when it will come out, but I judge that it will trump the XSi. It will surely have live view, a dynamic range extension exposure mode, and 14-bit RAW, so it will be even with List there. They have had a few months to dream up the next fantastic business, so let’s just see what it is.
It’s been nearly two years since the D80 was introduced and this is much longer than any product cycle I’ve seen from Nikon.
Answer by Jim M
Functionally, they’re very similar.
But going strictly on build quality, beyond doubt the D80.
I’d say it’s worth the difference in price.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
Sigma 55-200mm f/4-5.6 DC Telephoto Zoom Lens + Hoya 55mm UV Haze Protector Glass Filter + Sigma Spudz XL Microfiber Cleaning Cloth – for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras including Nikon D50, D70, D70s, D80, D100, D200 & D300
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Kit includes: 1) Sigma 55-200mm DC Telephoto Zoom Lens; 2) Sigma Spudz Microfiber Cleaning Cloth; 3) Hoya 55mm UV Protector Filter. ♦ Sigma 55-200mm Lens includes: Front & Rear Lens Caps; Lens Hood; Soft Case; Instructions; Sigma USA Warranty. ♦ The Sigma 55-200mm is a lightweight, compact 3.6X telephoto zoom lens exclusively calculated for digital SLR cameras featuring the standard APS-C size digital image sensor. It is ideal for portraits, candids, sports, travel, flora and fauna, and nature photog
Price: $ 189.99
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