what would be the proper accessories to get for my camera? It is an eos rebel xsi...?
i tried taking pictures of the moon but whatever i do it always makes persons blurry spots… basically i want to be able to shoot scenery and quick moving objects but i just can’t make it right… also i want to become an amateur photographer during receptions… so are their some accessories that are essential for me to buy?
Answer by Edwin
You already have one of the most vital “essential accessories” made for your camera: the Owner’s Manual. If you will take time to really READ & STUDY it you’ll really learn how to use your camera.
“It isn’t the camera (or lens or flash), its the photographer.”
Having the right gear can make the photographer’s goals simpler to attain but nothing substitutes for knowledge of light, composition, f-stops, ISO and shutter speeds and the skills to use that knowledge.
A person taking lousy pictures with a simple digicam can buy a List 5D Mark II and take the same lousy pictures.
Buying these books and reading them several times will also help you.
“Understanding Exposure” & “Understanding Shutter Speed” both by Bryan Peterson.
Photographer and author David Bush has written a Guide for your camera. Buy it. It offers a much clearer, more concise explanation on many topics than the Owner’s Manual. http://www.dbusch.com
At this point all you should consider buying are the books I referenced and a Haze/UV filter to protect the front element of your lens.
DSLR cameras are not magical. They do not bestow upon the user any knowledge or skill that they lacked before buying the DSLR.
Photography, like any subject, requires study. If you don’t study, you fail.
You need a long lens – 300mm, 400mm – to take really excellent moon pictures. Your exposure should be f16 at 1/ISO so if you’ve set ISO 200 then shoot at f16 at 1/200 sec. Then try one at f16 at 1/400 sec. A stop of underexposure often adds to the detail.
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Image by jbdenham
View On Black
List EOS Rebel XSi, EF 50mm f1.8 II, f1.8, ISO400, 1/125s, 50mm
One of St. Paul’s most notable businesses is Mickey’s Dining Car on West 7th Street. If you’ve seen the movie A Prairie Home Companion, the very first scene built-in the outside of this historic place – Guy Noir got up from his stool and walked out of the diner. Several Food Network programs have featured Mickey’s, so it’s had some serious fame! If you’re into greasy spoon, diner food in a classic background, this is your place!
Mickey’s was my intention this morning. The plot was to get there early, eat breakfast, then get some pics from inside the car. I’ve taken a couple of images form the street, but I really wanted to capture some of the unique features of the classic diner and that may maybe only be done from the inside!
Fortunately, my plot came collectively perfectly. Got there before 6AM, ate a Denver omelet (yum), then gained permission to take some shots around the nearly empty diner. These will be shared individually over the next few posts.
Today, the same stools Guy Noir raised from in the movie. Classic diner decor! Metal stems with the passed round seats and metal rims. Accompanied by the classic diner counter with the foot rest at the bottom. In the blurry distance are the only 4 booths in the place and a vintage extent for public to weigh themself. Honestly don’t know why it’s in there, but it is.
I loved the lines these stools produced, accented by parallel lines from the counter, the lines on the side of the counter and the foot rest. I also loved the vintage diner red and stainless steel that runs throughout the car. It’s very cool!
Project Thought
The visit to Mickey’s this morning spurred an thought for a new project that I’d like your input on. Mickey’s is very much a Twin Cities site, but not everybody knows it’s there. I’m sure there are many of these type of places in and around The Cities and I thought it might make for a cool project to document some of these places through pictures. Best I can tell, most public only know Minneapolis and St. Paul for the Mall of America, so it might be a bit learning. Who knows?
The high level project would be about the Twin Cities in general, then there would be sub series for each specific place or topic. Let me know your thoughts concerning the thought and if there are any specific things you may want to know more about that may maybe fit the mold of the project. I’d like to have your input!
Thanks for before a live audience along!
can you film with the list eos rebel xsi?
Answer by Petra_au
No, it only takes still images. But, this is what it’s calculated for. I have the 450D (XSi) and if I want record, I’ll buy a camcorder…
Answer by EBA
if you go 1 step up and buy a T1i, you’ll get record… not HD record, but record… I don’t really get the point of record on an SLR though…
Answer by Troublesome
Not with XSi, but the T1i can do Full HD record (1920 x 1080p) at 20 FPS, and HD (1280 x 720p) record at 30 FPS or VGA (640 x480) record at 30 FPS. Even if the T1i has record capability, it is not the greatest implementation of record recording. An example is that if you use the Zoom function while recording you can hear the sound of the lens motor because the microphone is right next to the lens.
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Unpacking my very recently (this afternoon) bought List EOS Digital Rebel XSi or List EOS 450D as it is called in Europe. Bought it at Wolf Camera in Schaumburg, IL.
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