digital camcorder question?
I wanted a digital cam for a bit now and I am starting to save money for one. Which company is good? I know that sony and canon r good ones. But which one is good? and which model?
i need like reviews n such
I am looking for if possible touch screen (not needed), good battery time (like 8hrs or so), a sd memory card so I could put in like a 64 gb one and save alot of film, and also a second battery for back up
theres more but this is the most i want
Answer by Rugratzzzzzzzzzzz
I can suggest 100′s but with out a basic idea of how much you want to spend its not possible.
battery time 8 hours not going to get one unless you buy extra battery, most new camcorder (better ones) will allow you to use large cards,
any of the main ones such as Canon, Sony, JVC, panasonic, they alll make models for almost any budget. do you want HD, night vision. do not look at digital zoom only optical zoom, for best quality.
You may find that actually going into a store and looking at the models available will give you a better idea of what is about,
Answer by ?
I would consider Canon VIXIA HV40 HD HDV Camcorder
* HDV format delivers high-definition video to miniDV tape
* Genuine Canon 10x HD video lens; SuperRange Optical Image Stabilizer
* DIGIC DV II image processor; 24p Cinema Mode, 30p Progressive Mode
* 2.7-inch Multi-Angle Vivid Widescreen LCD
* HDMI terminal for easy, one-cable connectivity to your HDTV
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Image by andyp uk
Reviewed on my blog.
should my units work fine with it.
I am looking to buy another overhauled dell Optiplex GX280, which has been turned into a custom model, the GX870, like I have now, except it will come with Windows 7 Home Premium 32 Bit instead of Windows Xp Pro 32 bit.
And We have read reviews and found out that Windows 7 Pro isn’t what we want for a typical home user.
Would Ultimate be fine?
because, I’d like to know if my digital camcorders/camera would work ok in Home Premium, or if I’d have to find a cheap enough one that’s compatible, or get Ultimate for Windows Xp Mode/ Virtural PC.
My 2 digital camcorders are a Jazz DV151 and I believe an RCA Small Wonder EZ200, either that or an EZ202, and the digital camera with a video capture feature is an older Kodak EasyShare, which we are estimating is from 2001 or 2002.
Any help would be accepted greatly.
Thank you!
Answer by Ez Dd
those stupid flip camcorders for $ 50 should work right?
Answer by Vaidi V
You should go with Sanyo VPC-CG20 High Definition Camcorder
* Full HD 1080, 60i Video (1920 x 1080)
*10MP Photos
*5x Optical Zoom (Photo and Video)
*2.7-inch Wide LCD Monitor for HD Playback
* Video and Photo Image Stabilizer
Answer by Brenda
My current computer has Windows 7 and I got this Coby mini camcorder for Christmas, and I have zero problems with it’s compatibility. I was able to upload a few of my videos that I’ve made to my blog using my computer with the same OS as yours and everything has worked smoothly for me so far. I don’t think you should have any problems with that Coby camcorder, should that be what you are looking for, and your current computer system. I hope this helps you out!
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U.S. Digital Camcorder 1H10 Vendor Shares: Review
This IDC study provides U.S. market share data for the digital camcorder for the first half year ending June 30, 2010. “Digital still cameras and other devices with video capability, as well as low-priced pocket camcorders, are inhibiting the traditional camcorder segment.” ��� Chris Chute, research manager, Digital Imaging Solutions and Services
List Price: $ 3,500.00
Price: $ 3,500.00
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