Monday, May 16, 2011

What Nikon Digital SLR Camera do you recommend?

What Nikon Digital SLR Camera do you recommend?

I’m plotting on buying a Nikon camera but having distress alternative one out. I’m not a professional photographer, but I like taking pictures of everything. So i wanted to buy one of this cameras but want it to be excellent for everything and for any event. Also to last me a long time that in 1-2 years i don’t go out and buy a new one cause I got tired of the one I bought. The Nikon cameras I was thinking of are: D90, D300, D500, D300s & D3100 The price is not an issue but if you reckon that one is the same or does the same quality as the D300s then please let me know. Thank you in advance!

Answer by David
The D300s is the top of this list, followed by the D90. Nut the new D3100, even if an entry level camera has the highest pixel count and is the only camera in the Nikon lineup to have right (1080) HD.

There is a comparison of all Nikons here

Useless to try to advise which is best for you without knowing what you will use them for, what situation you will generally shoot in, what subjects you will shoot, how you will use the images, how the different cameras fit your hand….. go into a shop once you have the small list drawn up and try them out.

Answer by Jeroen Wijnands
D3100 is the top of the beginners models as far as I’m concerned. D90 is still an attractive option for the enthousiastic amateur but it’s software has nearly no handholding (or guide mode as nikon calls it). It still has scene modes.

D300 and D300s are very capable cameras, I own a D300 and like it. They are a bit like high powered sports cars, the the makings is there but so is the the makings for impressive mistakes. They also lack scene modes.

Answer by fhotoace
Cameras will last a long time.

If you buy a D3100, you should be reasonably absorbed just learning how to use all of its features for the first three or more years and then once you are competent using it, delight in many more years of taking incredible shots.

I have had cameras for over thirty years and I still delight in using them.

Film cameras tend to “last” longer, not because they were built better, but because the technology is in the film. Digital cameras technology gets ancient after about five years when compared to the newest gear available. Unless you are a professional photographer, you will not need to be buying a new camera every five or six years.

If you have any thought of buying legacy AF lenses, you will want to buy the D90 instead of the entry level D3100 (no in-camera motor)

Answer by natasha a
list s95

Answer by Bungholio
Snag a D200 (new ones are still available). I paid $ 599 for mine after it’d been discontinued. Magnesium body (no unpleasant plastic for me, thanks), dedicated WB, ISO, & QUAL buttons, and the capability of using older Nikon lenses.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

nikon d300 digital camera

Image by mhonpoo

im interested in doing photography. the only camera i have now is the 2.0 mp2 on my phone wich isnt the best but it is surprisingly excellent for a phone. im looking for towards a 10mm camera or the nice list or nikon looking ones, moreover than a digital one but if a digital is the excellent choice its fine by me to get but id like one under 180$ $ and is a excellent camera, simple to use or get used to using, looks more like this:

not neccasarily like that but that would be a basic thought for you HOWEVER if you do find a nice digital one that is better in specific ways please, list them below, but try and have link for the camera as well as the price and maybe some features, if not tips about result one. thanks

Answer by Sakura
You probably mean 10mp camera… not 10mm.

There’s absolutely no way you can get a Nikon D300 or any DSLR for $ 180 or less. You’ll need at least $ 500.

You’ll have to get a point and shoot… check these out:



Answer by Stephen V
An SLR Digital camera, a Nikon D90:

Add your own answer in the comments!

Nikon MH-18a Quick Battery Charger for the EN-EL3e Battery compatible with Nikon D80, D200, D300 and D700 Digital SLR Cameras

  • Use to recharge Nikon EN-EL3a and EN-EL3 batteries
  • Fully recharges exhausted battery in about 120 minutes
  • Two charging lamp indicators
  • Simple and safe to use
  • Power cord built-in

The Quick Charger MH%2D18a is smaller than the MH%2D18 it replaces%2C and is capable of charging the EN%2DEL3a%2C EN%2DEL3e%2C and EN%2DEL3 batteries%2E

List Price: $ 59.00

Price: $ 28.00

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