Saturday, May 28, 2011

Reviews for nikon coolpix?

Reviews for nikon coolpix?

nikon digital camera reviews
by avlxyz

I’m looking into buying a Nikon Coolpix digital camera, because i’ve heard that they’re a really excellent company to buy from. What are your reviews of the different coolpix ones? which ones are excellent? terrible? (i already had the L20, and it kept freezing on me, so not that one) oh and i don’t really want to spend too much more then $ 200-$ 250 if its possible…

thanks :3

Answer by fhotoace
Here a some reviews on all the Nikon Cameras

Take your time, do your research and then pick your camera.

Answer by Green Man (proud uncle)

here is a nikon for your price range, you can buy it at best buy, and if you look, there is a customer reviews page where you can read 46 reviews.

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nikon digital camera reviews

Image by miskan
Me, Nibaq and Nat met up tonight and went and had dinner at Zaatar W Zeit at Marina Crescent. The weather was really nice and there were a lot of kids hanging out at the basketball court adjacent to the crescent. Dinner was OK, I would rather have Sajj House over ZwZ but Nat seems to prefer it for some reason. I personally reckon any place that charges KD1.200 for a Halloum Sajj is a rip off..

by the way how is the new touchscreen s60 i really want it but reviews say its not the best

Answer by AWA
10mp is plenty, and Nikons are excellent cameras. :)

Answer by quackfeet
yea that is more than enough. I had a 7.1mpx and it took incredible pictures. It realy depends on what you are using it for. For everyday use then get the smaller one. If you want one for taking like profesional picz kinda get the larger nikon one.

Answer by Someone
Yes it is enough, anything above 7.0 mp is fantastic!

Mine is 8 mp! : D

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Mat Gallagher from What Digital Camera reviews the diminutive entry-level Nikon D3000, with its 10MP sensor and beginner-friendly Guide Mode that clarifies how to use each of the settings.
Record Rating: 4 / 5

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