Monday, May 16, 2011

Is the Nikon coolpix s550 worth buying?

Is the Nikon coolpix s550 worth buying?

Is this camera a good one?

Answer by Kay
yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have it and it works amazing plus it has photoshop so its great!!!!!!!!!!!

Answer by isl247
Reviews I’ve seen are not stellar.

Find all the specs here

Answer by itskrissy_x
It’s really a radical camera.

Answer by aunt m
I have one , the resolutions are good, just go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Answer by Googgig
Yes,Get it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

cherry blossoms
nikon coolpix s550

Image by wilnora

I’m having a hard time figuring out which one is better in taking the best pics. Their features seem to be about the same except the only difference is:

1) “Coolpix s550″ has 5x optical zoom, High ISO sensitivity
Up to ISO 2000, and 2.5″ high resolution LCD monitor.;jsessionid=V4GSOKYVEJI11KC4D3FFAGQ?skuId=8721948&st=nikon+s550&lp=1&type=product&cp=1&id=1200703005590


2) “Coolpix s600″ has 4x Optical Wide-Angle Zoom,
Auto adjusts up to ISO 3200, and a bright 2.7-inch Wide Angle of View High Resolution LCD.

I’m interested in picture quality but I also like taking close-up pics. So which one is better overall?

Answer by fhotoace
They both are capable of taking good quality pictures. The higher the optical zoom range better, since you cannot change lenses. It is hard to tell with P&S cameras which provides the best closeup shots, since none list the subject to image ratios, which is what describes a macro lens. For instance, it may be focusing at 10 cm with a 5x zoom lens extended to its longest focal length could well produce an image closer to a 1:2 subject to image ratio, than one that focuses at 5 cm but with only a 3x zoom.

The actual quality images you produce, is dependent upon what skills you have using cameras.

Answer by Elvis
I would choose the 600
it is newer and better

Add your own answer in the comments! Check out the buyer reviews about “Nikon Coolpix S3000 12.0 MP Digital Camera with 4x Optical Electronic Vibration Reduction (VR) Zoom and 2.7-Inch LCD” before you buy and get the special price. Just CLICK this amazon link:
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