Tuesday, May 17, 2011

how to take great pics of fireworks (Nikon D90)?

how to take great pics of fireworks (Nikon D90)?

nikon d90 digital camera
by def110

I have a Nikon D90 Digital camera and am still trying to learn how to use it on my own. Until I can take my photography class at my college next semester, theres going to be a community fireworks show in town id like to get some really awesome pictures of.

What settings should I set my camera to?
can someone tell me step-by-step instructions for the settings. (Eg: go to menu, find iso sensitivity, and set it to *blank* … …)

That would help alot!
Im VERY unfamiliar with this camera. I bought it to better equip for myself for my photography business. I am unable to take a class right now so i literally need some kindergarten crap. lol

Answer by pvreditor
Set the ISO speed to 200 and the shutter speed to 1/60. Try some shots like that. Then set the shutter speed to 1/30 and try some shots like that. Review them on the LCD screen and see how they look.

For some fascinating effects, use a tripod and set the shutter speed to 1/2 a second. Try 100 and 200 for the ISO to see which works best.

Excellent luck!

Answer by D L
the book that came with your camera has a fantastic section on photographing fireworks. read it.
excellent luck

Answer by Jean
Definetely use a tripod, and really long shutter speeds. Exposures of 1 second and more will allow you to capture the whole firework. You may maybe even do 30 second exposures and just cover the lens with something dark in between the action.

Answer by Mere Mortal
Use a tripod for sure.

Check out the EXIF data of these pictures for some clues.

Fiesta Fireworks


Answer by screwdriver
To take your pictures use a tripod, and cable release, your lowest ISO (fireworks are bright), an aperture of around f4 – f8, alter the shutter speed from 1/30th (for the fireworks burst) to 1.5 seconds (for the trails as the fireworks ascends) then combine them into your own display as here.

You will probably have to focus manually as there won’t be enough light to auto focus.


Once you have a selection of individual and groups of fireworks here’s how to blend them in Photoshop.

Some of your shots will inevitably have smoke around them to reduce or eliminate the smoke open the image in PS and select a Levels Adjustment Layer, select the Black pipette (the left hand one from the three at the bottom right of the dialogue box), now wherever you click will go to black, try clicking in an area of smoke and it will magically disappear. I usually leave some as it adds some dimension.

Once you have a selection of pictures here’s how to build your collage.

In PS goto File>New and make a canvas the size you want say a 10″ X 8″ with a resolution of 200ppi.

Fill it with Black ( press ‘D’ on the keyboard this will give you the default Black and White colour swatches, now hit the letter ‘X’ this will make Black the social class colour, now press Ctrl + Backspace, this will fill selected layer with the social class colour which we have just made Black)

Bring a few of your prepared pictures as layers on top of the black layer any by Copy and Paste or by opening them and using the Go Tool to drag them onto the Black layer.

As you drag additional pictures the one on top will hide the one bottom, so go to the Blend Modes on the Layers Palette and Select Screen this will make anything Black transparent and reveal the fireworks bottom.

Now its just a case of selecting a fireworks layer and using the Go Tool to position it where you want. You can also use the Transform Tool (Ctrl + T) to extent or rotate them.

Keep adding fireworks untill you get a result you want similar (or better) than mine.

Another tip is if there is a bonfire get a few shots of the crowds sillhouetted by the fire. Just expose for the fire and they will automatically be sillhouettes. Or a similar sillhouette of buildings etc..

This can then be used as a center for your fireworks show. You can use this composite to be the sky in any night shot.

If you get a few shots of the hundreds of glowing embers after the main show has died these make fantastic Starry Skies to import into night shots.

Have fun


What do you reckon? Answer below!

Nikon D90 18-105mm VR kit
nikon d90 digital camera

Image by N i c o_

I have a Nikon D90 Camera, it keeps showing F- – - in the top right corner of the screen disparate its usual self. And when i try to take pictures it says Err. How do i fix it? Whats incorrect with it?

Answer by Shorty
What mode are you in? What lens are you using?

What do you reckon? Answer below!

NiKon D90 – Camera Test – Movie Mode (Live View) – Owner / Director / Operator Daniel Rosenberg. – www.terrordomevideo.blogspot.com DP David Suddaby. – www.davidsuddaby.tv This is a camera test with the new Nikon D90. It was shot in Richmond Virginia around sunset September 7 2008. Movie settings were at “Normal” – 640 x 424. The camera also has HD settings – 1280 x 720! For most of the shooting – Shutter 50 / F3.5 & F5.6/ lens between 18 – 105mm.

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