Thursday, May 19, 2011

How does Radio Shack stay in business?

How does Radio Shack stay in business?

If I need to buy a laptop, computer or any electronic device I don’t immediately think oh I have to run to Radio Shack. How has this company survived Walmart, Office Depot and those type of stores? I really don’t get it.

Answer by Lola
I have no idea. I bought a pair of cheap headphones there yesterday, but I only went there because my car blew up and it’s the only electronics store in walking distance. Otherwise, yeah, I would have gone to walmart or best buy or something.

Answer by Joshua M
Corporate accounts. They are open more for the office buildings in the area than they are for the casual electronics purchaser nowadays.

Answer by troy m
I’ve wondered the same thing., I dont even go there if i need cables or batteries but I try not to go to walmart eather. I try to support small business

Answer by WRG
Mainly by becoming cell phone stores.

Give your answer to this question below!

Radio shack
radio shack

Image by jonkeegan

i have a the radio shack Pro-49 Scanner but can not seem to figure out how to pick up any frequencies.

Answer by racefanwfo56
you need to program in the frequencies you want to listen to.

Add your own answer in the comments!
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Desktop Magnifier 2x/4x Radio Shack # 63-1301 – 3.5″-diamater round lens

  • Backlight Desktop 2x/4x Magnifier – 3.5″ diameter round lens
  • Foldup case / Built-in backlight illuminates your work

Desktop 2x/4x Magnifier with 3.5″-diameter round lens

List Price: $ 12.99

Price: $ 2.99

So I had a disaster in Radio Shack. Twitter Facebook Website
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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