Thursday, May 19, 2011

Are there any major digital camera manufacturers that sell left-handed cameras?

Are there any major digital camera manufacturers that sell left-handed cameras?

Does anyone know of any major digital camera manufacturers that sell left-handed cameras? Specifically with the shutter button used to take pictures on the top left-hand side of the camera, rather than the right?

If anyone knows of anything like that, it would make my life -a lot- easier when taking photos :) Thx!!

Answer by Surrvij
You can search results in google..But my answer is that some Manufacturer selling that type of camera.

Answer by Mark
I do not know of any. Cameras are designed for right handed people. You can try handling different cameras and perhaps find some that are at least more friendly to left handed people.


Answer by Carl_the_Truth
“Major dealers”, no. Since 90% of people are right handed, they have to go with the majority of sales. I’m left-handed myself and have never had a problem with this issue.
But if you mean for someone who doesn’t have use of their right hand they would have to use a cable release or the self-timer. I think the market is too small for anyone to make a camera designed
for a lefty.

Answer by keerok
All cameras can be used with the left hand. The only problem is that the subject will always be you.

SEARCH and you shall see.

Give your answer to this question below!

I have 2 digital cameras and i want to make 3d photos. .When i put them side by side they are about 3 inches apart, is there a trick i can do? put one in front of the other or overlap 1 on top of the other, or just have to buy a 3d camera instead?

Answer by Deepak S
Try to turn upside down one of the camera and check the lens distance apart. The lens should be in straight horizontal line. The distance between the lenses should be around 2 inches.

Let know how u proceed. You can check the solutions on or ask the blogger.

Answer by Dory M
You don’t need two camera’s, one will suffice. First take a picture to simulate the view from your left eye. Then carefully slide your body and camera to the right about 2-3 inches and take another picture to simulate the view from your right eye. Then use this freeware to merge the pictures into a 3D view (you’ll also need those red/blue glasses). Have been using this method for years, and it’s pretty neat what you can do. If someone’s in the picture, ask them to hold still for the two photos. Here’s the Anamaker software. Go try it now:

Add your own answer in the comments!
Road Safety Bill
Sir Alan Beith MP urges the government to send out a clear message that safety on our roads is “a top priority, not an optional extra”.
Read more on — When you buy a digital camera, you have to know how to take care of it to keep it in its best condition. In order to have the clearest photos possible, you must make sure to regularly clean your optic lens and keep from leaving fingerprints on it. If this happens, parts of your pictures will be blurry, and dirt can build up over time. Not all cleaning products are suitable for a camera lens, so make sure that you don’t use tissue paper, any household cleaning solutions, and definitely not saliva. Instead, you should buy the proper products at a camera store, in order to keep your camera at its best. For more info. Please visit
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