Whats the Best Digital Camera to buy? 10 pts?
I want one with Great footage… Like none of that pixilated crap that the sony camera has…
i want 1 that looks like this http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=10325553
but how do I know Im buying the best 1?
Answer by allabout_allie
Nikon CoolPix. Around $ 120 at walmart.
Answer by hello
what the person above me said
Answer by Calculus
No modern digital camera will give you “Pixellated crap” as you say.
It’s all down to the user, and it is the bad users who usually blame their cameras. Don’t fall in to that trap, you are fooling no one.
Canon IXUX and Nikon Finepix ranges are good and well-perceived in the camera market. After all it is all down to your preferences and your intended use and budget. There is no such thing as the BEST camera.
If you have a particular camera make in mind then visit a profesional reviews site such as www.dpreview.com or even look up customer reviews at amazon.com before you buy, it is an absolute must. It is not all just the looks.
All the best.
Answer by Zack K
There is no such thing as best camera.We all have different needs ranging from wide angle, long focal length, manual controls and so on.If you want to buy that camera, just go ahead.
Answer by Pey
Canon A590IS $ 134.99 at Best Buy or $ 116.30 at Amazon.com
http://bountii.com/deal-1523871-canon-powershot-8-0-megapixel.html …
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0011ZCDKS?ie=UTF8&tag=golfwebboard-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0011ZCDKS …
There are so many cameras out there it is difficult to say which is best, but digital is definitely the way to go. The following link will be very helpful as it list most of the cameras out there with prices. http://reviews.cnet.com/digital-cameras/
What gives a camera its picture quality? The following information should help you know what to look for in a camera.
The short answer is that it is mostly the skill of the photographer that produces high quality pictures. The lens and camera are very important, but the ability to set the scene, adjust the cameras settings, and hold the camera very still or use a tripod with auto or remote shutter actuation when required is what gets the great pictures.
Many of the new cameras come with only an LCD screen. Would suggest that you find one that also has an optical view finder because the LCD screen is almost impossible to see in bright sun.
Higher mega pixels may not really be the best thing to look for. It is more expensive, takes longer to process, and may not be needed unless you are making a really large picture or blowing up a small part of a picture. Maximum print size for a 3 mega pixel setting is 8 x 10 inches.
http://www.kodak.com/eknec/PageQuerier.jhtml?pq-path=398&pq-locale=en_US&_requestid=2039 …
http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/mpmyth.htm …
Lots of great camera tips in these two links. http://www.danscamera.com/Learning/going_digital/#resolution …
http://www.kodak.com/eknec/PageQuerier.jhtml?pq-path=38/10468/6368/333&pq-locale=en_US …
Check this more for the money camera. FUJIFILM – FinePix 10.0-Megapixel Digital.
Life time Warranty (Parts & Labor).
Wide-angle shooting, a 12x optical zoom and picture stabilization mode combine in this camera for exceptional shooting performance, even at a distance. Plentiful scene modes, autofocus and automatic white balance controls make this camera a snap to operate. You may be able to find it on the Internet for a lower price ($ 144), but be careful of the vendor.
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8879234&type=product&productCategoryId=pcmcat152400050001&id=1212192673855 …
This could be the best slim line camera with a viewfinder. It’s PINK!
http://shopping.yahoo.com/p:Sony%20Cyber-shot%20DSC-W150%2FR%20Digital%20Camera:1995337750;_ylc=X3oDMTB0bjZzaWNuBF9TAzk2NjMyOTA3BHNlYwNmZWVkBHNsawNlbGVj …
The information about my camera is just to show that you don’t need the biggest and best. Just know how to use the one you have.
My camera has 5.2 mega pixel, but I use 3 most of the time because it gives great results, is faster, and takes less memory. Also, it only has a 3 x optical zoom and 7x digital zoom. I never use the digital zoom because making pictures larger works better on the computer. This is an old camera, but everyone is impressed with the quality pictures it takes … like magic.
Check with the Geeks in several stores and compare prices. Ask what cameras they own, but don’t believe everything you hear. Once you select a camera read all about it in the owner’s manual. Just learned that my camera has red-eye prevention and correction. It also has adaptive lighting. You may be able to view the owners manual at this link, but will need to Login. http://www.retrevo.com/s/digital+camera …
The source links will show most of the cameras out there with prices and help make your digital cameras work better.
Give your answer to this question below!
Im purchasing a memory card for my mother. She has the SONY DSC W-100 digital camera, and i want to know what a good memory card is to buy her. Please, no memory cards over $ 40, however, nothing very cheap that isnt going to work or last. I need something that gets the job done, but works good also.
Answer by Elvis
sandisk or kingston
all of your local stores will be having sales right now
Answer by ISBN51499
I use a Sandisk memory card reader.
Answer by Nick K
i think wal-mart has the “after thanksgiving sale” going on still. they have a 2 gig kodak card for $ 12.88. but that’s SD so i guess that doesn’t help you. all sony’s use memory sticks.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-WX9 (Black)
The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-WX9 is a lot of camera–with solid shooting performance and photo and movie quality–for the money.
Read more on CNET
Sony ICF-SW7600GR AM/FM Shortwave World Band Receiver with Single Side Band Reception
- PLL digital tuner receives FM, MW/AM, SSB, shortwave and longwave
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- Label presets with 6 alphanumeric letters
AM (LW/MW/SW) & FM stereo reception / 10-key direct access tuning / World time clock with dual alarm / 100 station memory presets
List Price: $ 199.99
Price: $ 126.99
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