What exactly is a camera sensor?
Can anyone explain how it works, comparisons, etc.
Been reading some digital camera reviews on the net, and there’s usually something said about the size of the sensor (small=bad, big=good).
I’m not sure what that means.
p.s. Yes, I’m a newbie
Answer by fhotoace
The sensor replaces the film in a camera … so like with film, the larger the sensor the higher quality the images .. we are not talking pixels here, but actual size.
Answer by John L
well basically, a sensor is a plate with tiny little sensors that turn light into an electric signal. that electric signal will be translated into a picture. it fills the role of film in old cameras, but no reloading required.
First, a bigger sensor means more pixels can be fitted with the same technology, provided making a bigger sensor is possible with the same pixel density, so technically the picture can have a higher resolution.
Second, to get the focal length for smaller sensors when you use normal full (large) frame lens you have to multiply it by a factor (i.e. 1.5x) to get the actual focal length (focal length basically affects the magnification). so, if u have a 50 mm prime lens (no zoom) for a 35mm(large sensor) camera, it will perform like a 75mm prime on a camera with a small sensor. (you’ll have to move farther back to get the same image, annoying in cramped places)
Full frames do have downsides though. The full frame sensor is much more expensive. The canon 5d is a LOT more than the canon 40d(smaller sensor). The lens for the EF series (full frame) are on average also more expensive compared to the EF-S series (smaller frame).
Therefore, the benefits do come with a price tag, which is why not a lot of consumers or “prosumers” go full frame.
p.s. The sensors will probably drop in price as time passes, so maybe in around 7 years full frames will be cheap enough for the average person. (lens will always be expensive)
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