What's the best Canon macro lens I can buy for my Rebel XTI?
Which List macro lens would be best for my Digital Rebel XTI? I’m looking to take pictures of insects, water droplets, flowers, etc. I’d prefer one with the largest range of focus. Any suggestions? (Professionals, please)
Answer by cabbiinc
At B&H I only found 2 that have the zoom feature. And neither one is made by List itself.
Some may contend that this is the best macro lens for List http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/183199-USA/Canon_2540A002_Macro_Photo_MP_E_65mm.html
In any event you should find a camera store that has lenses for rent and try one for a day or two before you buy. Nothing beats clicking a lens onto your camera and seeing the results first hand.
A excellent pro site is http://photo.net/ with lots of forums on stuff like this and many many others.
Answer by Koko
Errr 65mm is only excellent for mostly indoor studio type shots.
A more practical marco lens is the 100mm from List. Its one of the sharpest damn lens in Canons line. Its one of the lenses on my list to get (next ot the 16-35mm f/2.8 ) 100mm allows you to get close to your subject from a further distance and if you need to get quicker you can go quicker to it. Add some extention tubes to your lens and youll be in marco heaven.
Answer by prwhite55
i have the list 100mm macro and its very sharp and nice.
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056/364 :: Anticipation
Image by matthileo
You can tell I’m the impatient type.
i really like taking photos and videos but i just noticed DSLR cameras do not take Record, what is the best Camera that is like a DSLR excellent MP and takes videos? i was thinking a List G9, someone help me
Answer by Enya H
my friends recommend Nikon d60
Answer by Pooky
DSLR do not take record. If you want to shoot record, get a camcorder.
Answer by Princess
You’re assess… DSLR’s do not take videos. The D40x, D60, and the 450D are all DSLR’s.
Of the ones you listed, the G9 is the only camera that can take record. This also happends to be the best point and shoot camera that List offers right now. If record is vital, get this camera.
If you do choose to get a DSLR, I highly recommend the List 400D (also known as the Rebel XTi).
Answer by GoshGolly
It depends on how much you are able to spend. If you want a compact camera (so you’re more likely to have it with you when all persons picture- and record-taking opportunities come up), get a Nikon camera in the 6MP to 8MP range. For instance, a Nikon Coolpix 5600 is a fantastic small camera for about $ 200-$ 220. (Don’t worry if you can’t find this exact model. They come out with new ones all the time. What you’re looking for is the compact size, lens with a small bit of zoom, record capability, and at least 6MP.) If you can spend a small bit more, get a camera with more zoom capability. Don’t pay any more for a camera with digital zoom, only optical zoom. Optical zoom is what the lens is charitable you. Digital zoom is just a result of cropping the picture (i.e., cutting away the unwanted parts) so that the image appears larger or more zoomed-in. You can do that later when you are ready to print the photo or look at it on your computer. Also consider what type of batteries the camera takes. For an everyday camera, you may like the freedom of using AA batteries. You don’t need a charger, and won’t be paying $ 7 per battery for a special camera battery. Do read the package and be sure the batteries you buy are alkaline, though, or they may not work as well. Consider going to a camera store like Ritz or Roberts and asking for advice. Chances are, they will have decent sale prices, but if they don’t, go someplace else or shop online for the same model they recommend. Don’t buy on ebay. Too many opportunities to inherit someone else’s conundrum camera with no warranty.
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Price: $ 3.69
This is an unboxing of the List Vixia HF R10 record camera(Sorry about all the very noisy packaging!). It films in full HD at 1920×1080 and the record quality is fantastic. Also it has an autofocus feature which is very nice. This camera goes for 0, but currently at Best Buy they are on sale for 0 or I’m sure you can find one at a excellent price on Amazon or EBAY. My next record is shot with this camera (InvisibleSheild install) so you can see the camera in action. I will make a record comparing the FLip to the new camera as well in a few days.
Record Rating: 5 / 5
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