what is the (cheapest) best digital camera for beginners?
im beginning to like photography, and im plotting to buy a digital camera. which is the best one for beginners and cheap?
Answer by Kentjamal™
Answer by Earl D
The Kodak 653 or Nikon L10 are to excellent choices around $ 120-$ 130
There are two new Sanyo offering but I have no experience with them yet. The 5mp one is $ 85 and the 6 MP is $ 100
Answer by Peter K
One of the small Kodaks will be very simple to use. If you want a slightly higher spec. then make sure that your camera has “Optical” zoom. Digital zoom is a waste of time.
Answer by theknighthawk20
buy a kodak digital camera.its excellent value 4 money and u also get a 512mb memory card free…
Answer by TomTom
my suggestion
go to yahoo shopping
digital cameras
digital camera GUIDE
it will find you one
What do you reckon? Answer below!
La porta
Image by Birnardo
around $ 70-$ 150
? best answer/camera ten10 points =]
or what site can help me find excellent digital cameras
Answer by Margaret S
I don’t reckon you can go incorrect with a Nikon.
Answer by finlyngrace
With that price point you aren’t going to get much that is excellent. Buying a camera that takes excellent pics and excellent record is like going to a pancake house for dinner. They sell dinner but it’s not near as excellent as breakfast. Most still cameras will provide record options but not all do sound with the record. And the record cameras that also do stills do not always provide the quality. Pretty much you pick the one you want more and buy that one. Later on buy the additional if you want. List is pretty much the only brand I will go for. Head into a Best Buy and talk to them about it.
Answer by fhotoace
When public say “Best digital camera” we reckon Nikon D90 or List 5D, Mark II, but then in the fine print you add, around $ 70-$ 150. You are talking about the difference between a seven day cruise vs. lunch at BK.
There are NO best digital cameras at that end of the price break.
Look at Casio, Nikon or List … they will be adequate and should last you long enough to save up for a camera that can take fantastic pictures and videos …. Like the Nikon D90 and List 5D, Mark II
Look here: http://www.dpreview.com
Answer by vicseo
The all time winner bargain compact digital camera is the List 7.1 megapixel PowerShot SD1000 [not the SD1100 [IS] 7.1 with an added 2- gig memory card which when set in the manual mode for “Vivid” colors and videos at 30 fps in 320 dpi format provides killer images and videos under low light situation. The macro feature is superb for taking closeups of small butterflies, insects, etc. It currently sells for $ 140 at techgearnow.com:
Excellent luck!
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