Painting Photography with a Canon Rebel EOS XSi?
So this afternoon my photography prof assigned the class a “painting with photography” assignment. He wants us to try it tonight and bring them in tomorrow.
How do you do light photography and what should I make the settings on my camera be?
ie.shutter speed, aperture, exposure etc?
Correction I did mean painting with light.
Answer by ✰VanGorkum◈Photography✰
Does he mean “light painting” ???
If so:
Place the Mode Dial to ‘S’ for Shutter Priority Mode.
1) Choose anywhere from 8-30 seconds.
2) Pre-auto focus when the lights are still on, or manual focus
3) Set the Self-timer on
4) Paint away!
You will get results like this:
Answer by Camera Guy
Basically your taking ‘long’ exposures while moving the camera around..
The camera may maybe be on S (Shutter Priority) and focus on manual .. Set shutter speed anywhere from 1 second to many seconds. The auto focus may be a hindrance here. Find street lights. Lit store fronts or have the camera on a tripod and stand in front of it in a dark room with a flash light(s) and / or a laser pointer and “paint” shapes in front of the camera with the light meant AT the camera.
You may maybe also set the camera up in the dark yard on a tripod, lock the shutter open and walk around the field of view out in the yard, painting things with the lights. Have them off as you walk from one item to the next, painting them with light 1 at a time.
Colored paper, foil, jells or filters fit over your light source..? Even better… Reckon of “painting with light” and follow the thought in your head.
Answer by thephotographer
hahaha dip the camera in your favourite color of paint, then rub it all over a canvas!
Answer by CRJPILOT
Here watch this record it should give you some inspiration and direction.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Pumpkin Patch
Image by jbdenham
View On Black
List EOS Rebel XSi, EF 50mm f1.8 II, f2.8, 1/100s, ISO100
Public may wonder why I like hanging around the ancient guys at McDonald’s in the morning. Well, not only are they fantastic guys and very pun, they are also very smart and know what’s going on around town. This morning, I drove around for a few minutes to try and find a pumpkin patch, but found nothing. After charitable up and going to McDonald’s, before I even got the question out of my mouth, one of the guys said go down to 100th Street, hang a left and there’s a nice one on the right. His instructions were followed, and there it was! Awesome.
Seldom is there a time when I have something in my head that I have to take a picture of. I usually have an thought where I’m going the next morning, but seldom is it so apparent to me WHAT I need to take a picture of. In this case, but, pumpkins were the only business that would do. We’ve had a couple of cool mornings this week and it really is starting to feel like Fall, and nothing reasonably says Fall like pumpkins!
I also had in my mind that images of the pumpkins may maybe only be taken with my List EF 50mm f1.8 II lens. It had to be wide open so that only that which was focused on would really be in focus. It was so apparent. On top of result the patch and having the type of shot in my mind, it happened to be a gorgeous morning. Mid 50s, cool, and a wonderful sky!
No doubt, the next time a photographic vision comes into my brain, the ancient guys at McDonald’s will get paid a visit!
I can look throw the piece above the screen and take the picture but I cannot find the background to exchange it to view on the screen?
Answer by J G
You have to enable Live View
Go to the part where it says live view
Answer by Thorbard
To enable live view, press the SET button. You’ll hear a click as the mirror flips up and the shutter opens and your preview will appear.
Its worth getting comfortable using the viewfinder too, as its generally better and more responsive. Especially when it comes to auto focus and so on.
Answer by Abner Peacock
There are two absolutely incredible and essential tools to help you. Everyone should have these tools. It will fix your conundrum in a flash.
1 – THE USERS MANUAL – An indispensable tool
2 – INTERNET ACCESS – The manufacturers website is just a few clicks away to offer answers to issues not clarified in the owners manual
God gave us these tools for a reason. Its a bring shame on so many havent learned to take benefit of these tools
Answer by selina_555
Read the manual, it is there for a reason.
If you lost it, download an electronic version of it, all major manufacturers let you do that.
Everybody needs to read their manual several times.
Read it once, then take some photos. Read it again, and practice what you learned.
Read it again, you’ll know much more this time, then go experiment.
Go to your community library and get books on photography, you’ll be thankful you did.
Don’t just hope there is one background that magically takes fantastic photos…….. YOU need to do the work, and YOU need to start by learning about it first.
When you’re done reading, hopefully you’re done wanting to use your LCD screen. You really are much better off with your viewfinder.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
Get your camera ready for shooting in a few simple steps 1. Drive mode, 2. Autofocus, 3. Exposure setup, 4. Picture Stylishness, 5. White Balance and File Types
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