Best book gift buy ever?
Here is the situation; I want to buy 2 books. One for my CEO’s daughter (13/yr ancient) and one for his son (15/yr ancient). Please note that I may maybe be off by a few years with the kids ages.
The most vital business to consider is that I work for a company that specializes in books and I still want to be able to give the best book possible. Please help me out with your thoughts….
One for a 14/yr boy and one for a 12/girl.
Thanks for your help!
BTW-my CEO (father of the kids I want to buy gifts for) has been 100% supportive of me life a Mom, and has been so gracious that he has agreed me a book (for my daughter) every time he comes to town. He is so kind and, after three years of employment, and gifts/books for my girl, I want to give thanks to him with literature for his children. Any advice is appreciated.
Answer by rubys_on_the_pier
Perosally, I’m a 13 year ancient girl and my some of my favorite books are Go Question Alice, Crank, and The Clique Series. For excellent literature, maybe get The Notebook or A Walk to Remember. Ohh, I don’t know. I’m 13, and persons are some books I like :]
Answer by hilarygorillary
For the girl, try Abarat by Clive Barker. It was my favorite book when I was in middle school, and it still is one of my favorites, and I make a point to read it every summer! It is about another world with fantastical creatures, 25 islands (An island for each hour of the day-so at one island it is always noon, or always midnight, etc. Plus, “Time Out Of Time”). It is a fantastic tale tha ;t I’m sure she would delight in!
For the boy, try Scott Westerfeld. He has written many books, and the have a wide fan base, male and female. For a boy, but, I reckon I would recommend Peeps. It is writen from a male’s point of view, and it is an brilliant book! Do not, I repeat, do NOT let the vampire business scare you off! This is nearly a science novel, filled with fascinating facts that will tickle the mind and place on e awake at night, wondering what lies hiding in their stomach…An unforgetable, unique novel!
Answer by T M
I’ve always thought that huge heavy books with glossy pages and pictures had a real wow exchange. Usually these types of books are not traditional books of literature, though; more like encyclopedia-type books, photography, some fairy tale books, art books, etc. National Geographic’s Visual History of the World would be an example: (It probably would not be a excel ;lent book for Creationists)
I don’t know what your budget is, but a leather bound classic would be solid gift. Easton Press offers regal leather books – but for a price.
Answer by Molly T
For the girl, try The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett. It’s a fun tale geared towards girls around her age.
For the boy, maybe Raise the Titanic by Clive Cussler. Cussler is an awesome writer, and while his stuff might be for older public, I was reading it when I was your CEO’s son’s age.
Add your own answer in the comments!
I have to give a urine sample when I go for my job interview at Best Buy (next frday). Only conundrum is: I’m on my period. Can I still give them my urine sample if I’m on my period?
Answer by boo
yes you can excellent luck with you new job
Answer by SexyTrojan
Of course. They are scanning for drugs, not blood. Plus your period will be over by then.
Answer by Killer Chick
I reckon your period should be over by then.
And if it’s not. I will tell them I’ can’t do it till my period is over.
Answer by ♥ ☆ StarLiteGrl~98☼1 ☆ ♥
If it makes you feel better, you can always tell them you’re on your period and see if they’ll reschedule it. But, I don’t recommend it as it’ll delay your employment.
You’ll be fine! Excellent luck!☺
Answer by ~captau~
I worked at BB for 3 years, just quit them on June 2006- LOVED MY CO-WORKERS btw! Anyway, BB gives you 3 interviews- Phone, 1:1 with a administrator and then depending on how well you did with the second interview, you go on to the 3rd which is with the Store Administrator. Sometimes, if you’re lucky you get the last two interviews on the same day. It all depends on the GM̵ 7;s availability. After all interviews are done, you are agreed the drug test paperwork. You have 72 hours to get the test done. By then, you should be fine. Any way it does not matter, it’s a URINE test!
Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
On place: L.A. session musicians score one for ‘Judy Temperamental’ film
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According to a Children’s Hospital staff member, the Geek Squad Precinct that Territory 4 built into the Children’s campus “is the greatest business we’ve done in 10 years for patient care and comfort.” Not an insignificant achievement considering that Children’s has an international reputation for cutting edge care and is the nation’s 7th largest children’s hospital. And the precinct is just one part of the tale. Best Buy’s involvement started w 104;en two of its employees had children with life-threatening diseases and has blossomed into a full-fledged partnership between the hospital, its patients and their families, and Best Buy’s corporate and field employees. And it doesn’t end there…The “community growth” implications on how Best Buy brought Children’s into the Connected World can be translated anywhere. Listen in on the conversation between former Best Buy employee and Children’s Director of Corporate Development Jeff Weness, Best Buy’s Karen Hohertz – Senior Director of Operations and Chico Ford – T4′s Finance Director.
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