Can the JVC Mini DV Digital Camcorder - GRDA30US connect to the computer and transfer files?
Answer by Little Dog
The JVC GRD-A30 is a miniDV tape based camcorder. No surprises if you can’t get USB streaming working.
ALL miniDV tape based camcorders transfer DV-format video by conneting the DV port of the camcorder to the Firewire port of your computer.
USB won’t work. USB-firewire converter/adapter/hub/cable things won’t work.
Firewire IEEE1394, DV and i.LINK are all the same thing.
If your computer does not have a firewire port, hopefully it has an available expansion slot (PCI for desktops; PCMCIA or ExpressCard for laptops), so you can add one.
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Old Moon
Image by jpstanley
Less than 2% of the Moon’s visible disc is illuminated. New Moon is just 28 1/2 hours away. The Moon was practically impossible to see without optical aid.
Captured through my JVC GR-D72 digital camcorder at 16X optical zoom, processed with Registax and Neat Image.
Answer by Hugh Jass
you could try or the JVC website might have the drivers.
Answer by Dr.Gonzo13
Did you try the JVC web site?
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JVC – Picsio 8.0MP High-Definition Digital Camcorder with 2″ LCD Monitor – Blue-Hope this was helpfull–stay tuned for future videos!! and please request!! Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned in this video. All the products were purchased my be unless stated otherwise in my video. I do not get paid for any of my videos. My opinions are not influenced in anyway.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
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