Sunday, May 29, 2011

What is a good, professional digital camera similar to nikon d80?

What is a good, professional digital camera similar to nikon d80?

For christmas, I really want a good professional digital camera with nice features, like a good zoom and so on. I’m in love with the nikon d80 and d90, but seeing as it costs nearly $ 1,000- i would never expect my parents to blow that much money on it. I don’t have a business or anything, it’s just a loved hobby i have.

So on that note, do you know of any good digitals that are similar to the nikon d80 and such, but NOT so similar in price?

Answer by Gina
Nikon D60 is $ 600.

Answer by Jessi=)
i like all the sony ones;_ylt=AozOFkkN3dxwQgMbNqiC7o3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081106172657AAGBCX3

Answer by Andre M
You get what you pay for, but you can drop down to the D70, D60 or even D40 if you want to go really cheap. Also, the camera itself does not have zoom. You have to either buy a kit lens with the camera or purchase a lens separately. A good lens is the 18-200mm VR lens because it has such a wide range and is very popular, it goes for about $ 650. Be aware that with DSLR’s you have to buy a different lens for different applications. For example, the 18-200 will not do close up or macro photography, you will have to buy another lens for that which is going to be another $ 500 or so. If you want a wider angle than 18mm for landscapes, you are going to have to spend another $ 500 or $ 600 at the least.

Answer by Joe S
Hands down, the Sony A300. It seems to have a pretty sturdy body, and it has alot of different features. Plus, since the body is stabalised, and NOT the lenses, the lenses are alot cheaper than, lets say, a Nikon, or Canon lens. In addition, you can use Konica-Minolta lenses dating back to the Mid 1980′s, since Sony bought out the camera division of K&M. In fact, the Sony A350 (the A300′s bigger, and more expensive brother) is what I’m planning on buying to augment my Konica-Minolta Maxxum 7D.

Answer by Rob Nock
I would suggest you do a little bit of research to find out about different Digital SLR brands that are reliable and within the price range that you have in mind. If you do that and show your parents that you have given a thoughtful approach into selecting something that is not just a whim it will increase your credibility and chances of success.

Some of the top quality brand names with reasonably priced model advanced cameras such a DSLRs are, in alphabetical order -

Canon, Fujifilm, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Pentax and Sony. All of these companies make high quality cameras with an established market position that means they are likely to stay in the business for the foreseeable future. Canon & Nikon are the most popular models (at least in North American market) but IMO the lower priced Canon & Nikon models ARE NOT the best values in that price range.

A good place to do start your research would be the Digital SLR Guide web site, designed to help users select a good camera match. If you like their web site they hope you will buy some of their On Line Photography education so they want to help you find a good match.

I am a former camera salesman, mostly before digital, but I handled and used many different brands and, in my experience Olympus and Konica/Minolta (now owned by Sony) have been two of the most innovative camera manufacturers and they are both working hard to offer feature packed competitively priced cameras.

My personal cameras for FILM were mostly Minolta and Olympus and my DIGITAL cameras are mostly Olympus (but Sony was slow to start bringing digital cameras to market after they acquired Konica/Minolta and they are catching up now).

For samples of images made (mostly) with Olympus cameras check my Flickr site-

HTH. Email me if you want help or advice about specific brands or features.

Give your answer to this question below!

nikon d80 digital camera

Image by Monica Arellano-Ongpin

I need ur advices to buy the right camera.
please reply this question only the persons who know about photography… coz i want this camera for a photo course . Thnx =)

Answer by Emerald
I LOVE my D80. I definitely do not suggest Olympus. And Canon.. well.. you’re either a Nikon person or Canon person. But I suggest Nikon!

Answer by fhotoace
While the Nikon D80 is a fine camera, you are asking the wrong question.

The question should be is Nikon a good camera system?

Is Canon or Olympus better?

It will take some research on your part to know which system is best for you.

As yourself these questions:

* Which system has the most depth in used lenses that can still be used on today’s DSLR’s?
* Which camera system shows the best technology in their professional line? (the features found on the $ 5,000 to $ 8,000 pro cameras will be trickling down to the semi-pro and entry level cameras in just a few years).
* If I do later want to take a traditional photo class to hone my skills and need a good used 35 mm SLR, which camera system will support my current lenses on their older 35 mm bodies? (this is what you want to do it seems)
* Which camera system seems to show the best growth in the direction I want to move in photography. (this has a lot to do with the kind of subjects you tend to shoot — if you are into advertising or food photography, then you will eventually want a medium format digital camera for instance)

After you have done your research, then go into a store and hold the top two choices in your hands and see which fits you the best.




Good used 35 mm Nikon and Canon SLR’s with standard zoom lenses can be found to under $ 200 on craigslist in a city near you.


Answer by MixedMojo
I use the nikon D80, I have had no problems with it and I think it’s one of the best cameras in its class. However, when compared to the newer 2nd generation nikon DSLR’s (i.e., D300, D90, etc.), some features are obsolete – such as sensitivity, high ISO NR, and other picture controls like ADR. Aside from that, I see no reason why my D80 isn’t every bit as good now as it was a year and a half ago when I bought it new. I love my D80 as well. I’ve been eyeing the D90 lately though, and for the price will be a very good upgrade to my D80 in terms of getting exactly what my D80 gives me in terms of weight, ergonomics, and ease of use – only with the upgrades in technology I wish I’d had in the D80. There is no perfect camera though, even when you spend inordinate amounts of money, so there will always be tradeoffs and the chance that in 6 months it will be obsolete. Of course, you can’t take our word for it. Go to wolfcamera and ask to see the demo and feel it in your hands, go through the menus, and shoot a few frames with it until you are comfortable with it enough to spend your hard earned money on it.

Answer by Bill P
I shoot Olympus in 35mm and in digital, Mamiya in 67 film format and Yashica Mats in 2 1/4 x 2 1/4. Lens selections are overrated, all of the companies make lenses that will work in virtually every situation that you are going to use them in. There is no way that you will use, or even come close to using, all of the lenses that Nikon makes and when you see the prices of those lenses, you will do a double take.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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