Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Q&A: These days how much of photography is real photography as against post-processing?

Q&A: These days how much of photography is real photography as against post-processing?

I am a total point-and shooter on auto mode, yet by using simple and basic post-processing have secued second place (twice) and third place (once) in online photo challenges at Isn’t photography these days more about post-processing than anything else? Opinions please!

Answer by Fishmeister
If you have managed to edit your images to a very high standard then fair play to you, there is nothing wrong with that. People have been editing their images in the darkroom decades before Photoshop or even computers were invented, there is nothing new or unique about it.

The end result is all that matters.


Answer by Mere Mortal
Unless you are shooting slides, photography has always required post-processing.

The final image is what counts.

What do you think? Answer below!

bokeh test

Image by BenSeese…

i already know dpreview, anything else?

Answer by ipshwitz
Seeing the photograph from a digital camera doesn’t really help in the purchasing decision.. or shouldn’t.

Just because you buy a great digital camera doesn’t mean you are going to take great pictures.

The only way I can see this as a factor is if the website shows a sample from a blown up image to help you decide on how many megapixels you are going to need.

Answer by Erudite
I don’t really understand the question – do you mean a viewing screen on the camera – or a picture of the camera on a website?
I have a Panasonic and an HP – both great – both for different reasons. The Panasonic is tiny, has a Leica lens and takes great 5 megapixels. The HP is like an SLR with a large lens, and I love the self timer on it because I live alone, and have to take my own pics.

Add your own answer in the comments!

A hands-on test of the recently announced Casion Exilim Pro EX-F1, which can shoot video at up to 1200 frames per second

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