Friday, May 20, 2011

Broken LCD Screen in my Camera?

Broken LCD Screen in my Camera?

Ok I got a very nice Olympus SP-320 digital camera for my 15 birthday.

I loved it so much and carried it everywhere. One day tho, I put it in my pocket and my pockets where pretty tight.

We hit a bump in the road and I checked on it to see if it was alright and the LCD screen cracked inside.

It shocked me so bad it made me lose my breath.

It still works its just that I can’t see what I’m doing. So that means I can’t pick the scenes I want to use.

I’ve saved up some money lately and I’ve been debating what to do with it.

I have $ 55 dollars.

I was wondering if it can be repaired. would that be enough to do it. And where would I go to repair it?
I don’t know if this helps finding a place to fix it. I live East Texas if that helps.

Answer by coolpic
I have had the samething happen.. look on line or at camera stores for lcd lynes and even ebay..however sometimes the ones on ebay may not work.. It takes a lot of pastients. Also poast a pic of what the camera looks like if its the main screen and its cracked u may have to by a new camera. But if u have all the paper work from when u baught it call the number on the book that is for your camera about repais. U may be able to send it in. if its on warinty and thats passed due you may have to pay for it to be fixed. Thats my best advice for you. best of luck.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

olympus digital camera repair

Image by Mike Goldberg
The Oly OM-1n and Zuiko 50/1.8 was a – eB@y find; however the meter needs repair. This was an early morning digital shot at Cafe Hillel.
The coffee.. a little cool, was great!

I have a Olympus SP-310 digital camera. I recently did a firmware update and now it will not turn on. Olympus wants $ 80.00 just to look at it plus the repairs and I am told it could cost as much as $ 300.00 to have it repaired. Is there anything I can do to fix the problem myself?

Answer by TomTom
it needs repaired

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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