Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What does LBA and (n/t) stand for in dpreview.com forums?

What does LBA and (n/t) stand for in dpreview.com forums?

Answer by DougF
Not sure, but (n/t) might mean not tested.

LBA – lens buying addiction??

See links for common meanings of these acronyms.

Answer by Modulus
n/t = no text. Typed if someone answers the poster in the subject line of their reply, and don’t have any content in the main post. Usually done so you don’t click on the post to open it only to find there’s no additional info.

Answer by anthony h
Usually LBA stands for Large Block Addressing, a way for large chunks of memory to be accessed on a memory device. If I recall correctly, Nikon cameras use LBA as a way to really speed up the way data is moved off their sensors and onto the memory card.

N/T = no text, as in “the answer is in the title and there’s no relevant text in the post.”

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Flickr dpreview Linker GM Script

Image by psd
Flickr dpreview linker is a Greasemonkey script which turns "Taken with a .." text on flickr photo pages into a Google I’m Feeling Lucky search of www.dpreview.com/reviews. Useful when you wonder what camera people have been using. Not so useful if they’ve photoshop’d the Exif metadata into oblivion. Enjoy!

I like to read the reviews at dpreview to see how they evaluate cameras. Just wondering if others think they are doing it accurately and fairly in this case.

I know the 7d matches up against the D300, and the 60D against the D7000.

Still… is it fair to portray the D7000 as only 1% better overall than the 60D?

And… is it fair to portray the D7000 as a considerable 3% worse overall than the 7d?

I have not tested any of these, I am just curious to hear from those who have.

If you have shot with all three, what percentage numbers do you think would be fair?

Answer by keerok
Nikon users unite! Bring out the placards. Organize a rally. Boycott DPreview.com!

Canon users smile! Grin all you want.

Pentax users? Hello? Missing as always.

Answer by Freeman
Of all the pros that I have talked to that have personally compared the D7000 and the 7D say that the only thing the 7D has over the D7000 is the video. Why? Canon has had much more experience with video. They do make some very high end camcorders. The D7000 has better low light performance when we compared two shots @ ISO 6400. So what does this mean? Maybe their rating system needs to be revamped…. again.

Answer by Paul Hxyz
You must remember that reviews are just that – reviews. What works for you might be something totally different, and 4 percentage points really isn’t that big of a difference. It is you who has to decide what you like. These reviews are only a guideline. If a Kiev 60 TTL is “your baby” then its your baby. The reviews help but if the camera is going to wind up in your hands you have to be happy with it and not let the reviews rule your decision. Go give what you like a test drive and then make YOUR decision.

Add your own answer in the comments!

ME reviewing the m74 by crosman good gun!! overall 7-10

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