Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Are the lenses for a Nikon F75 film SLR and a D60 digital SLR inter-compatible?

Are the lenses for a Nikon F75 film SLR and a D60 digital SLR inter-compatible?

Thanks in enhancement for the help. I’ve had a Nikon F75 film camera for some time and have recently bought a Nikon D60. I’m curious to know if the lenses for both cameras have the same contacts and are inter-compatible. Any info is greatly appreciated!

Thanks again!

Answer by Ricardo
Doubtless the lens will mount on the Nikon D60.

The mettering may work fine, but the autofocus will only work if the lens is a AF-S or AF-I. But even without the mettering, you will be able to take pictures by guessing the gap and shutter speed.

Delight, tell us what lens you have, so we will be able to give more information.

Answer by Dcntamcn
If the lens from your F75 is AF-I, AF-S, VR, or G it should work fine on the D60. Go here for more details:



Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Nikon D60 D90 D5000 reflex Photo camera
nikon d60

Image by louisvolant
Le billet correspondant est ici : www.abricocotier.fr/4321-comparatif-entre-les-reflex-niko…

I just can’t get my nikon d60 to take continuous frames. I need to take shots of a ball rolling to make it like a time lapse sort of thing. I don’t know much about cameras at all so everything needs to be clarified in simple form delight! Can anyone help me? Thank you. Much appreciated. :)

Answer by Hondo
For god’s sake…read the title-holder’s manual. If you don’t have one, download of from the Nikon website.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

An explanation of what ISO is, how it increases with the sensitivity of the D60′s sensor, and why you should always set it yourself, from the Magic Lantern DVD Guide to the Nikon D60.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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