Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Best Buy Pre Order System?

Best Buy Pre Order System?

I pre-ordered a pc game at Gamestop called “Champions Online” but there not doing very excellent job at it about keeping up with the game about how your suppose to get the beta key for it. And I heard a lot of excellent reviews about Best Buy and they offer the same bonuses as Gamestop does. I was wondering how does it work there? Do you buy the box and take it back and pay for the rest of the fee there and exchange the box for your actual game or what? Delight clarify. Thanks a lot! =)

I did go in stores for Gamestop but the employee gave me a mind-set about a simple question. I was wondering if anyone knows about the game if your supose to give Best Buy your email for the 17th of Dignified or does the beta key come inside the box?

Answer by FrogFighter
I’ve never preordered at best buy because amazon usually has better exclusive preorder bonuses. But what I can tell you is that If you don’t really know the guys behind the counter at gamestop it can be pretty thick with mind-set in there, but IMHO that is why you take note of their names and make calls to General Managers.
but if the beta starts the 17th so they may not have really gotten the keys yet… when I got my last beta I didn’t really get it in anticipation of the day before the beta started…

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Ok, I have a second generation ipod touch, and i was wondering what would be some excellent earbuds for it. I have the original ipod earbuds, but i lost them so im getting new ones. I saw the new ipod earbuds with the microphone and remote on the earbuds made by apple. I saw the reviews on best buy and all 4 reviews says it sucks, and that they break in like 2 days. Do u have them, how excellent are they there 40 bucks. if there really crappy what are some excellent earbuds to buy, that would be nice if there is a mic attached to the earbuds. one more thing the original ipod earbuds fall out of my ear especially when i run, so are inear earbuds better, are they more comfortable or feel weird

Answer by xxLani♥xx
get some Beats by Dre earbuds, they work pretty excellent and they’re only like $ 60
they have them at Best Buy i reckon and at the Apple store

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List Price: $ 85.00

Price: $ 62.47

Extended review with pics n’ stuff: thesixsides.com Never mentioned the price: i got it at Best Buy for USD Follow me on Twitter for more updates: twitter.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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