Is there a way to undelete video files that I accidentally erased on my Canon digital camera (G10)?
I am heartbroken because I took a great video of my takeoff from Paris on the new A380 superjumbo. Shortly after, I accidentally deleted this video, thinking it was another video. It’s SO annoying that there is no “window of opportunity” of, say, 3 days where you have the option (on the camera) of “undeleting” recent files.
Answer by secret j
Yes, there is a chance assuming you havent written anything else to the storage device since you deleted the file. When you delete a file, you dont actually erase the data, you simply mark that part of the storage device as “ok to write over” – so it might still be there.
I’ve linked to some free software in the source part that might be able to help you. If not, google “file recovery freeware” to find some other software.
Answer by mslenora
do not take anymore photos or videos on the device/SD card or whatever it was saved on. Take it to a computer repair guy and they will do recover it for you.
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Still broken
Image by yhancik
"It has been found, that in rare case, some of the CCDs, used in Canon digital camera and digital video cameras, have a problem that causes abnormal image output.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. Canon will offer free repairs where an error is caused by this malfunction.
Canon would like to advise our customers of the details of this issue and our policy for handling it.
Problem details:
Among the CCDs used in the affected products, it has been confirmed that in extremely rare cases, under high-temperature/high-humidity environments, some of the internal wiring comes off.
If this defect occurs, the signal is not output from the CCD correctly when in shooting mode. This results in image abnormalities such as:
* Images do not appear
* Image colors are abnormal
* Images appear distorted
These symptoms can be confirmed on the LCD monitor.
We kindly request users who have confirmed these symptoms to contact the nearest Canon Service Centre.
Free repairs will be made for affected products in cases where it has been confirmed that the internal CCD wiring has come off."
i am planning to get a new camera and i really wanted a canon camera, and i am not sure if it can record video, don’t tell me to get a different brand or tell me to get a camcord because i want a camera that can record video and take pictures , Reply As soon as Possible Thanks
and if you are wondering which digital camera click on the link below
Answer by Caoedhen
Are you unable to actually read the listing you linked to, where it says that this Canon, just like every other Canon, takes Motion JPEG (Quicktime) movies? It even lists how much storage is required, and the various resolutions you can record with.
Seriously, if you can’t find this out without assistance, how do you expect to actually figure out how to use the camera?
What do you think? Answer below!
Behind the Lens: Money-saving lens adapters
If you have an SLR or a DSLR camera with another brand of lenses, the Fotodiox Mount Adapters allow you to use your lenses on the film/digital camera body even if the brand isn't the same.
Read more on Lawrence Journal-World
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