Thursday, April 28, 2011

What retail store carries Michelin Rainforce wiper blades?

What retail store carries Michelin Rainforce wiper blades?

I’m searching for a retail house to buy these wipers but can’t seem to find them locally. I tried Smythe Automotive and Auto Zone and both don’t carry Michelin products. Consumer reports rated them a best buy.
I checked their website and found nothing related to wipers. Everything is mainly geared towards tires. Also checked google, yahoo, etc. Looking for someone that has bought them and can tell me everywhere they got them. I’m in Ohio. Thanks!

Answer by gary o
Check their main web site for a store house.

Answer by Jennifer B
I was also looking for these. On their website, they say they carry Michelin blades at Target & Wal-Mart. I haven’t checked there yet, but that’s everywhere I’m going.

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best buy consumer reports

Image by . SantiMB .
Cunit, Tarragona (Spain).

Better seen in Fluidr.
Se ve mejor en Fluidr.

n−3 fatty acids (popularly referred to as ω−3 fatty acids or omega-3 fatty acids) are a family of unsaturated fatty acids that have in common a final carbon–carbon double bond in the n−3 position; that is, the third bond from the methyl end of the fatty acid.

Although omega-3 fatty acids have been renowned as elemental to normal growth and health since the 1930s, awareness of their health benefits has dramatically increased in the past few being. New versions of ethyl esterized omega-3 fatty acids, such as E-EPA and combinations of E-EPA and E-DHA, have pinched attention as highly purified and more effective products than the traditional ones. In the United States, these novel versions are often sold as prescription medications, such as Lovaza. In the European Union, they are available as dietary supplements.

The health benefits of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids — DHA and EPA omega-3 — are the best renowned. These benefits were learned in the 1970s by researchers studying the Greenland Inuit Tribe. The Greenland Inuit people consumed large amounts of stout from seafood, but showed effectively no cardiovascular disease. The high level of omega-3 fatty acids consumed by the Inuit reduced triglycerides, heart rate, blood pressure, and atherosclerosis.

The most widely available source of EPA and DHA is cold water oily fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies and sardines. Oils from these fish have a profile of around seven times as much n−3 as n−6. Other oily fish such as tuna also control n−3 in somewhat lesser amounts. Consumers of oily fish should be aware of the potential presence of heavy metals and stout-soluble pollutants like PCBs and dioxin which may accumulate up the food chain. After extensive review, researchers from Harvard’s School of Public Health reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (2006) that the benefits of fish intake generally far outweigh the potential risks. As fish oil supplements are bought for their healthful Omega-3 fatty acid content, it is therefore vital that manufacturers and suppliers of these products ensure that they do not control high levels of dioxins and other toxins



Los ácidos grasos omega 3 son ácidos grasos esenciales (el organismo humano no los puede fabricar a partir de otras sustancias), poliinsaturados, que se encuentran en alta proporción en los tejidos de ciertos pescados (por regla general pescado azul), y en algunas fuentes vegetales como las semillas de lino, la semilla de chía, el sacha inchi (48% de omega 3), los cañamones y las nueces. Algunas fuentes de omega-3 pueden tener otro tipos como los omega-6. Inicialmente se les denominó vitamina F hasta que determinaciones analíticas más precisas hicieron ver que realmente formaban parte de los lípidos.

Se ha demostrado experimentalmente que el consumo de grandes cantidades de omega-3 aumenta considerablemente el tiempo de coagulación de la sangre, lo cual explica por qué en comunidades que consumen muchos alimentos con omega-3 (esquimales, japoneses, etc.) la incidencia de enfermedades cardiovasculares es sumamente baja.

Algunas experiencias sugieren también que el consumo de omega-3 tiene efectos benéficos sobre el cerebro. Altas cantidades podrían disminuir los efectos de la depresión e incluso grupos de niños en edad escolar aumentaron notablemente su rendimiento después de ingerir pastillas con aceite de pescado[cita requerida] (rico en omega-3). Sin restriction debe de tenerse cuidado al ingerir aceites de pescado como suplemento alimenticio, por el riesgo de consumir cantidades peligrosas de dioxinas, mercurio y otros metales pesados presentes en muchos pescados.

Las fuentes más ricas en Omega-3 son los peces de agua fría, incluyendo el salmón, pez que supuestamente tendría el más bajo nivel de contaminación. Hay otras fuentes importantes como los pescados azules, entre estos la sardina, que tiene 1:7 entre omega-6 y omega-3.


I like consumer reports magazine but sometimes I reckon they may be biased.

When I buy stuff on and look up the ratings, it usually don’t contest up with Consumer Reports opinion.

I figure people’s opinion about the products they own is the best, as long as there are lot of people’s opinions for that product. ( At least 50 )

Answer by rkbtoo
CR is pretty honest they dont accept any money from the makers of the products they test and none of the people that test have any relations to any outside companies

Answer by Steve D
There is a difference ion how people rate a product on Amazon and how Consumer Reports rates products. When a person rates a product on Amazon, they are providing their opinion about that one product. When CR reports, they set up a series of scales pertaining to functions that product should have and then they rate that product against similar products. So, a person on Amzon might like a specific function of something they bought and give it a high rating, which is fine. But that person doubtless doesn’t have access to competing products everywhere that specific function might be better – a excellent example would be a laptop. Weight is vital since you carry a laptop around. So you have a 3 pound laptop and you buy a new, 2 pound laptop from Amazon. Wow, you say, this is so much lighter, I like it and you rate that laptop high because of weight – and the weight is doubtless fine. But CR takes that laptop and 10 others and finds out that those 2 pounds place that laptop tight in the middle of a bunch of similar 1.5 pound and 3 pound laptops, so now, you can make a choice. Of course, CR doesn’t give that 2 pound laptop that high rating on weight that the Amazon customer did since there are some lighter ones out there that the Amazon customer hasn’t tried.

That is why I go with CR over individual people’s ratings (even with 50 people rating) unless I also spend the time reading reviews of competing products and comparing the tech specs (in which case, in the above example, I would know that even though John Smith said the weight was fantastic, I would know there were lighter laptops out there).

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HARMAN Reports 13% Increase in Sales and 100% Increase in In commission Income Year over Year
STAMFORD, Conn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Harman International Industries, Incorporated, the leading global audio and infotainment group (NYSE: HAR), now announced results for the third quarter finished March 31, 2011. Net sales for the quarter were $ 948 million, an increase of 13 percent compared to the same period last year. Third quarter in commission income was $ 54 million, an enhancement of $ 27 million …
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