panasonic lumix digital camera's?
in comparison to other digital camera’s, would you say their best feature is the leica lens and wide zoom range?
Answer by fhotoace
Yes, you nailed it.
That and the camera build is brilliant and the Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery
What do you reckon? Answer below!
only answer this if u have really researched the camera in comparison to others.
ok. i neeeeeed a super wonderful and amazzing digital camera:P no joke. but not an SLR. it needs to b compact but have superfast shutter speed and a excellent size screen with a honest quantity of megapixels:) the reason is because i was about to get an 800 dollar SLR(dream camera) from canon because i like photography, but some things came up and now i’m only able to get a compact. so PLEASE help me find the best digital camera out there! oh and it would be fantastic if the pictures without sparkle wouldnt turn blurry:P (aka quick shutterspeed)i kno no compact camera is gona be equivilent to an SLR, but i need the closest one to it. thx for helping me out!!
Answer by empenage2003
canon and nikon lead the promote. and there’s a lot out there. look for a camera with (optical zoom), not (digital zoom). pick a few then go to to see it’s review
in this link you’ll find all the brands. and you can pick a price range
Answer by DigitalOne
1st check auctions for show models from real .camera stores.
2. Buy an slightly grown-up yet groundbreaking new super model & one lens.
The 30D has fantastic features its tough as nails & its price has dropped.
One electronic chain superstore will give 18 months interest free.
An grown-up mini cigarette pack size Fuji Finepix F650 has impressed this picky photographer many times even a few fantastic 8×10, the colors are very realistic.
Its simple to use & has macro that really works. Buy the most powerful built in zoom model you can afford.
Answer by Tom G
If you like photography … is all about “SEEING” and you really can’t “see” the way you need to with a camera that is not an SLR type camera. Save your money and get an SLR. You will not be miserable that you did ….and your creativity will be much better. There are a hundred cameras out there like you described in your question.
I have see some fascinating models from Fuji, Nikon, and Canon
Answer by Lou G
yes, there is one that is as excellent as a dslr and is called Sigma DP1.
Has no interchangeable lenses and a excellent wide angle, large sensor and no a waste of time crap on it.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
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