Q&A: Hi I wanted to get the Vivitar Digital Camera from Urban Outfitters and I was wondering if it was any good?
Also can it take vintage style pictures or it’s just any regular digital camera?
here’s the link:http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp?itemdescription=right&itemCount=60&startValue=1&selectedProductColor=&sortby=&id=17439845&parentid=A_ENT_CAMERAS_PHOTO&sortProperties=+subCategoryPosition,-product.ratings&navCount=408&navAction=poppushpushpush&color=&pushId=A_ENT_CAMERAS_PHOTO&popId=A_MEDIA_CAMERAS&prepushId=APARTMENT_MEDIA
Answer by AndrewM
I’d despise to burst your bubble but no camera takes vintage shots (except an actual ancient film camera… which costs $ 20 on ebay). On digital you make the vintage look with editing. That camera is pretty terrible. Trust me, it is the worst camera i have ever vista. It will f- up all your shots, it will make your life hell. It’s just junk. You are paying for the look and the fact it comes from a nice small white people store. Noone should get a camera from urban outfitters. They sell extremely overpriced junk. Holgas get a weird vintage look. They cost $ 40 anywhere else, but $ 120 there.
Don’t do best buy either They are also expensive. The best prices are always on Amazon.com. If you want digital look for a Canon Powershot, Sony Cybershot, Nikon Coolpix, Fuji finepix and learn to edit for the vintage look. If you want real vintage get an Olympus OM, Nikon F__, Minolta srt, Minolta X__. Or if you dare, try a holga or lomo. they are tough but i reckon that’s the “vintage” look you are thinking of.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Preferrably a site that will let me narrow results or sort by functionality, ratings, price, etc.
I’m looking for a digital camera that will take still shots and video. I want something durrable but not real expensive, around $ 100-$ 200.
Answer by TheCat
Answer by Gene S
It’s DPreview and Steve’s Digicams, there are some other resources available out there but they don’t equate. There’s a new kid on the block building up a comparable site to both of these but the link escapes me at that moment.
Many seats use “user” ratings to rank their results, avoid these because there’s no logic, no qualifications, no nothing to support the findings. 351 people rate this model XYZ as brilliant because 50% say it’s “so cool” , 25% because their friends like it and wish they had one too, and another 25% say things that make even less sense.
Answer by qrk
http://www.imaging-resource.com/ is another excellent site.
Answer by Petra_au
There are a digit of excellent review sites available…
http://www.megapixel.net/html/take in.php
Answer by stocksrmythng
OMG do people ever READ or read reviews before answering these type of vital electronic questions?!
you can check out the review sites and all of them will show this camera winds hands down
here ya go… the multi award winning camera of the year…
the Canon SD1000 it has everything you want AND its only $ 166 bucks on the each so incredible newegg.com (an electronic nerds paradise)
Its an absolutely outstanding camera… 106 people have reviewed it on there and ALL of them gave it 5 stars… 28 awards, camera of the year and 106 people can’t be incorrect.
plus i own one.
Go buy it already… it even has free shipping which by the way if you’ve never ordered from newegg… you’ll have it AT your house 2 days after you order it. They are incredible.
Add your own answer in the comments!
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