SLR versus other digital cams?
Can I take a picture like this with a Canon S5IS?
I really want to start taking some professional-looking photos but don’t have the money to invest in a $ 400+ camera, and the SLRs are kinda bulky for me. Would I be able to use a camera like the S5IS (or anything like that) to take photos like this?
By the way, the photographer from the above pic says he uses a Nikon D40 (too expensive for me :/ )
Thanks in enhancement!
Sorry, when I say the S5IS, I am referring to Canon.
Answer by Perki88
Most point and shoots have too much lag time, so I doubt you could get a shot like that unless very lucky. Why not look for a used DSLR? One from a camera store who offers a warranty on what they sell.
Answer by word.
the S5IS is one of the advanced point and shoots, the dslr like. im pretty sure you can take some really nice photos with that camera (to the point i reckon you’d be satisfied with it), and there should be much room for creative control with it.
plus some of those pictures look pretty manipulated (photoshop im guessing). so you could doubtless do that too.
just remember, in the end, getting a flashy camera will not guarantee you “professional looking shots”,its you not the camera.
I have never used this camera before, you can go on and search for pictures by cameras. then you can take a look for yourself:
edit: i completely forgot, person above me is right, there is shutter lag on p & s cameras. and hes right, if you are going to spend that much, might aswell go dsrl?
Answer by Jus_Ben
Did you see the remark, that out of 100 shots taken that was the ONE that they wanted.
This pic was taken with a sparkle I expect, that would freeze the movement, You could take them same but do you want to take possibly 150 pics for the sake of keeping ONE excellent one?
There is a mistaken belief in many amateurs that to take marvellous pics they need to spend lots of money. Not So.
As long as the camera has a high pixel rating and a reasonable lens you can take excellent pics.
The taking is in the MIND of the photographer.
There was in the U.K. in the 1930s a newspaper man who took his own pics for his reporting. What did he use? A Box Brownie. I have seen in one of the photography magazines some being back a copy of a pic he took of the Queen Mary’s maiden voyage departure from the U.K. it was excellent enough to be in print by his paper editor. The craft there lay in the developing and printing, my advice is – - – Just keep on trying.
Answer by screwdriver
For creative photography it has to be a DSLR, they’re just so flexible.
Answer by Dr. Sam
If you are looking for image quality in a picture that you can enlarge, you will be disappointed in the S5-IS. If all of your composition is PERFECT so that you do not have to crop, you might be satisfied with a full frame 8×10 for some subjects, but no more than that. The sensor in that camera is TINY and so image quality suffers.
If you have ruled out a digital SLR for price or film SLR for bulk (and ultimate expense for film and processing), you should look for a large sensor point and shoot.
I have chosen the Canon Powershot SD950-IS ($ 335) as my personal pocket camera. The sensor is about twice as large as the one in the S5-IS. You can judge the image quality for yourself:
The Canon A650-IS ($ 300) has the same sensor and a few more features, including manual controls, but it’s a bit larger. It’s about the same size as the S5-IS, though.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Eleven year ancient Michael was deemed the most personable youngster and promising photographer of the day. The group of five visitors with docent Jerry Kirkhart. Scenes from a Digital Photo Walk (DPW) up Valencia Peak in Montana de Oro, 13 June 2009, led b
Image by mikebaird
Eleven year ancient Michael in the black T-shirt here (center, front) was deemed the most personable youngster and promising photographer of the day – he has digital camera skills way beyond the average, and uses the Internet and computer to work on his images. He deserves on of those Canon 5D Mark II or Canon T1i bodies lynching around the necks of his elders here! The group of five visitors with docent Jerry Kirkhart. Scenes from a Digital Photo Walk (DPW) up Valencia Peak in Montana de Oro, 13 June 2009, led by docents Jerry Kirkhart and Mike Baird. Five visitors loved the walk, taking 2 hours 45 minutes to reach the summit versus the allotted 1.5 hours due to all the photo taking and discussions taking house. Desc. Digital Photo Walk (Valencia Peak) On this vigorous photo walk, bring a point-and-shoot or SLR digital camera. All photographic skill levels are welcome. Experienced docent photographers will help you improve your outdoor and scenery photography skills. Meet at the bluff parking area 300′ South of the Ranch House in MontaƱa de Oro. Wear climbing boots or sturdy shoes, bring water and snack. 1347′ elevation gain. See for more information. (Strenuous) 3.7 mi., 3 hrs.
Our current digital camera is an SD550 which I find quite excellent. My sister is calling dibs on it, so I’m looking for a replacement. Is the SD990IS worth the extra money versus the SD950IS? What’s so spectacular about the SD990IS anyway? Thanks.
Answer by Andre M
The only differences I can find is that the SD990 has 15 mega pixels vs 12. On a point and shoot with a small sensor the less mp the better. I would go with the SD950. More mega pixels equals more noise at higher ISO. Between 8 and 10 is a excellent digit. From what I have read, the SD950 also has a titanium casing, which was abandoned for in the SD990 possibly to cut costs, who knows?
Answer by Petra_au
These two cameras are very similar and have very similar specs. The SD990 IS is just the latest model, with a new processor and a few more added features.
It has 15MP (which I seriously doubt you will ever need) and it yet remains to be seen how a tiny camera with an equally tiny sensor, can handle image noise.
It also sports Canon’s latest Digic 4 processor versus the SD950 IS’s Digic III.
It’s also available in two body colours…dull silver or a gorgeous black. And, it’s also available in a limited edition red coloured body (to commemorate the manufacture of the 100 millionth PowerShot camera).
BUT, the absolutely best thing about the SD990 IS is that it’s the very first SD model to feature manual controls (Program, and Gap & Shutter priority). If you don’t know what that is, then it’s doubtless not the camera for you.
In that case, the SD950 IS is just fine (it’s 12MP are still heavy-handedness). Make sure you buy a quick (Class 6) SD or SDHC memory card, though. I recommend 4GB.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
Nikon EH-5 AC Adapter for D40, D50, D70, D70s, and D100
- Compatible with Nikon D100 Digital SLR
- AC adapter provides limitless operation and preserves battery life
- Compatible with Nikon D50, D70, D70s, and D100 digital SLR cameras
AC adapter for the Nikon D100, D70 and D80 models, helpful in preserving battery life during long downloads or shooting sessions. When used with the D40, requires the EP-5 power supply connector.
List Price: $ 89.00
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