On my digital SLR camera, all of a sudden there is a red line in all of the pictures! What happened?
I use a Nikon D40.
I got married yesterday and all of my pictures have a red line through them. Now I’m on my honeymoon and the camera is still taking pictures like that. Is there anything I can do, besides mail it in to get repaired when I get home?
Answer by jtl090179@sbcglobal.net
scratch in your lens possibly, did you try a different lens? if you did then it is your camera and repair is the only way to go
Answer by hipp5
Does the red line still appear when you look at them on the computer? If not, it’s a dead line of pixels on your camera LCD. If so, then it’s something else. Is the red line all the way crosswise? Is it completely straight? Perhaps you could place a link to a sample photo so we can diagnose it better.
Answer by Elbert
Try by a fresh set of batteries with a different formatted memory card. Check the rear lens element for scratches. It could possibly be the sensor in which case you’d have to get it repaired.
Answer by John M
it could be a scratch, dirt or some sort of set alight getting in. Check out the lens first for scratches and dust, then check out the body for cracks and whatnot.
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My digital bodies
Image by tychay
Blogged in The Woodwork: Lossy RAW compression.
My digital bodies
North Beach, San Francisco, California
Panasonic DMC-LX1, Ultrapod
Gap (crop, white balance, enhance, levels, color), Photoshop (composite) NeatImage (denoise, sharpen)
2 exposures at .8sec @ f/3.6, iso 80, 11.6mm (52mm)
I chose to take a photo of my digital bodies. It would have been nice to place my LX1 in the frame since it shares a lineage with my Leica, but I needed it for the shot.
For some reason Panasonic Pictbridge only imports the JPEG, not the RAW. I'm too bone idle to go back and get the original image, which is, much better than the imported one (it better be, the file is 13x larger!). Live and learn.
I did learn that the Gap RAW has a slightly different interpolation (a few less pixels) than the Panasonic JPEG. it's also less noisy and the color is better. Clean.
Click for original photograph of one image (or the unadjusted Gap RAW) (If you cannot view this, add me to your contacts and I'll add you to my friends. If you are already a contact of mine then just jet me a message and I’ll fix your status.)
I have a Nikon coolpix 4600 and it fell off the edge of a bed about 2 feet high onto a hard floor and now it wont turn on or nothin. Theres no exterior hurt done it just wont turn on anymore. Will it ever come back to life or if not can it be flat and would it be worth getting repaired over just export a new camera. I had it for a while so theres no warranty or nothin i really like this camera and i dont feel like export a new one because this camera was a gift. I nearly cried when it wouldnt turn on amymore I dont know what to do. Somebody delight help me
Answer by anderson
try take out the battery and insert it back. also try knocking it by or hand. may be some part is loose.
i got this conundrum with my Nikon 885 and now it works.
i dont know if it will help but work to try before sending for repair.
Answer by Silent Storm
got warranty?
Answer by XenonAudio
Take it to get it flat, or get a new one. That’s about it.
H a p p y
S h o o t i n g !
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