Sunday, May 15, 2011

Canon Rebel 10.1 MP SLR Digital Camera?

Canon Rebel 10.1 MP SLR Digital Camera?

Yes, I’m going elite! Can anyone recommend excellent lenses? I really want to be able to take panoramic photos with camera. Is there an accessory for this? Any advice/recommendations?
Also, I’m buying a Kingston 4 GB CompactFlash Elite Pro Card for the camera. Is this a excellent one????

Answer by spliceit
If you are looking at taking just wide angle shots then you need a wide angle lens. Agreed the 1.6 business with that camera you would probably be looking at something in a 17mm lens. A fixed focal length lens with F2 to F2.8 is a excellent choice. List lenses are the best for that camera and hopefully their fixed focal length lenses will have the F-stop markings on the barrel so you can do some hyper focal length shots to maximize your depth of field.

Answer by Beaux H
1. Canono is the best
2. stick with lens by camera maker (List)
3 Use “photomerge” plugin in Photoshop for panaramas and not a lens/

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

canon digital camera accessories

Image by A Long, Lone Run
SD790 IS accessories.

I am 16 years ancient and I have been using my mother’s camera for a very long time and I have finally saved up enough money to buy a camera and some accessories. I reckon I am going to get the List EOS Rebel T2i, but what additional cameras compare to it? Which Nikon is the best? Please remember that I am on a budget and the camera needs to be under $ 1200. Thank you!

Answer by Hondo
The T2i would be a fantastic choice. The Nikon D3100 would also be excellent. You really can’t go incorrect with any.

Answer by fhotoace
At your budget look at the Nikon D7000

Sample record with the D7000

The Nikon that is in direct competition with the T2i is the Nikon D3100 ($ 700)

Answer by Jens
Get the cheapest that has all the features that you care about, and save the rest for the lens. Does your mother have an SLR and may maybe you use her lenses? If so, then stick to the same brand.

Decent ones to consider would be the T1i or T2i (lots of features and decent record), Nikon D3100 (best record, newest sensor, but very limited features otherwise), Nikon D90 (most features out of all these, very mediocre record though, but very excellent image quality), Pentax Kx (lots of features for a low price).

Answer by Jim A
I always recommend what I own and know. The t1i is also an brilliant choice. At about $ 750 with an 18-55 lens this would place you budget room for another nice lens, say the 18-135.

Answer by Bruce Lee Roy
I own both a list xsi and t2i. With my budget the t2i is probably my best investment. But if I had a lil extra money I would have gone with maybe a 7d or even mark ii . Full frame rather than crop framed.. But in your stance” as long as the camera u get serves your purpose, then that’s what matters most.

Add your own answer in the comments!
ANN ARBOR: Community photographer Fred Beutler exhibiting in Chelsea
Photographer Fred Beutler, whose exhibit “Life Starts at 80″ opened May 5 at the Gallery 100 in Chelsea, got his start at 7 years ancient, with a simple box camera.
Read more on Ann Arbor Journal

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